12 mistakes I made while paying off debt (2024)

Paying off debt is one of the biggest financial challenges many people face on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, almost everyone makes mistakes while paying off debt. We have all been there!

12 mistakes I made while paying off debt (1)

Today’s post is by my friend Charissa – enjoy!

I must admit something. I was by no means a shining example oh how to best pay off debt! There were plenty of dumb and somewhat costly mistakes I made while paying off debt.

Regardless, the story ends well and I paid off $7,661 of debt while putting my hubby through school!

So, what mistakes did I make along the journey? Today I wanted to share 12 common mistakes I made during debt payoff so you can avoid them.

Related reading:

  • 5 Step Plan to Live Debt Free
  • How to Track Your Expenses
  • Tips for a No Spend Day or Week or Month
12 mistakes I made while paying off debt (2)

12 mistakes I made while paying off debt

1. I did not follow a debt snowball.

A debt snowball involves taking your smallest debt and paying as much as possible until paid off, while paying minimum payments on the rest. Then, you add the first payment to the next debt.

When I got started, I jumped around and did not pay off debts in any particular order. Paying off smaller debts first would have kept my motivation high.

One helpful tool to learn more about the snowball method is Dave Ramsey’s book The Total Money Makeover.Using this method can be really motivating and inspire you to pay off debt.

Unfortunately, this is one of several mistakes I made while paying off debt.

2. I forgot to include necessary categories, like car repairs, in my budget.

Unexpected expenses pop up all the time. If you have a car, you probably already know this because maintenance and repairs can really add up.

I am always looking for ways to budget better. I like to use a planner to track all my expenses. You can use a free one like Google Calendar, or a paper planner like this one.

If you like to plan out your month using the cash method, a lot of people like to use these cash envelopes to sort out different expense categories. This is a great way to budget for monthly expenses.

When you’re paying off debt, it’s important to set aside money in your budget for unexpected yet necessary expenses. This lack of planning caused the 3rd mistake.

3. I kept charging on my credit card.

I added $1,000+ in charges before closing the card after paying everything else off. When you’re trying to pay off debt – especially credit card debt – this is a huge no-no.

You want to stop using credit card immediately so you don’t undo any progress you’ve already made.

It’s also a good idea to open a savings account and create an emergency fund.

You should consider using an accessible account like a high yield savings account.

This is a great way to earn interest on the money in your account and let it grow, all without doing anything extra like investing it or putting the money into a CD.

Every time you get paid or have extra income, try to add some money into this fund. Your future self will thank you!

4. I paid extra only on the car loan.

I had been paying more on my car loan before getting married and continued with the extra amount, but never increased the payments on other debts.

If I had been using the snowball method, I could have worked at paying this debt off faster.

5. I did not cut my lifestyle expenses much.

More mistakes I made while paying off debt were when my family and I would take trips, dine out, and buy whatever we wanted.

I fit monthly payments around lifestyle expenses instead of doing it the other way.

By doing this, I prevented myself from putting more money toward my debt in order to pay it off sooner.

Helpful Tip: Some expenses are quite necessary, so if you have to spend money regularly on something anyway, one way to earn free money is using Rakuten.

If you have to do any shopping online, you earn cash back on every purchase. I have made over $700 in the past couple of years just from shopping on this site. This is free money that is put into your PayPal account every three months!

Helpful Tip:Ibotta is another free cell phone app that can help you save so you can put more toward debt payoff.

You use it after you go grocery shopping and use your receipt. It’s basically a rebate app, so you can earn anywhere from 50 cents to $5 off everything you buy.

My favorite part about this app is that it’s not always brand specific, like a lot of coupons are. So you’ll be able to scan “any brand of bread” for 50 cents off, etc.

If you do coupon – you can STILL use Ibotta and get a rebate. For the diehard couponers out there, this will often result in getting an item for FREE. Crazy, right?

If you want to grab the Ibotta app and start making money off your grocery receipts, click here to get started. Here’s a $10 cash bonus when you scan your first item that you can deposit into your PayPal account!

6. I did not have a solid plan to attack my debt.

I tried to budget and pay off what I could, but did not detail a plan on how and when I wanted to pay everything off.

Simply put, I lacked an overall strategy.

Paying off debt can be exhausting and it helps to have a clear strategy and focus so don’t have to work so hard to figure out how you will round up your next payment and how much it will be for.

7. I never hustled to work more and bring in more income.

Even though I was stressed about money, I never wanted to work extra hours. I only started side hustling after becoming debt free. In reality, I should have side hustled to pay off my debt faster and stress less.

Helpful Tip: A side hustle can really help you make extra money and pay off debt faster. A side hustle doesn’t have to be a part time job for another employer.

Instead, a side hustle can range from taking on extra side work alongside your career or smaller, shorter tasks.

Related reading:

  • How to get paid to play on Pinterest
  • I started a homemade dog bakery!

8. My hubby and I did not work as a team to pay off our debt.

We were in agreement about getting out of debt; however we did not share the passion and hard work of paying everything off.

It’s best to get on the same page with your partner when you start paying off debt. Having each other’s support can be very crucial.

If you are single, try to find an accountability partner or a support group online.

9. I was spotty about budgeting.

I hated budgeting and panicked, thinking a budget showed how I failed with money so I avoided budgeting. This was one of the biggest mistakes I made while paying off debt.

As I adjusted my budget, I used a small budget journal to track all of my expenses. This really helped me see where my money was going each week.

10. I did not apply my raise as extra payment amounts on my debt.

I received a raise in our two-year battle with debt, but only increased lifestyle and paying cash for hubby’s tuition.

Paying cash for my husband’s tuition wasn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I also shouldn’t have used my pay raises as an excuse to inflate my lifestyle in other areas.

11. I was not mad at my debt.

Hatred towards debt brings a willingness to do anything necessary to pay off debt. One way to help deal with my feelings, track my progress and stay motivated was with this journal.

It’s a great way to write out financial goals, my list of bills, and crossing off debt. It also served as a great way to track my emotions about debt and how much better I felt as my debt decreased.

12. I did not have a clear picture of why I wanted to be debt free.

I only wanted to see my husband graduate with no loans. But now being debt free, I have the freedom to save for the future, give to others, and enjoy the fruits of my labor with no regrets.

Looking back, I wallowed in debt longer than I should have done.

Don’t make the same mistakes I made while paying off debt! Set a plan, use a budget, hustle, sacrifice while being furious with debt and you will be able to clean up your debts quickly.

Here are money saving tips to help you avoid the 12 mistakes I made while paying off debt

Paying off debt requires a laser-like focus, but that doesn’t mean you still can’t enjoy your life and do things affordably like travel.

If you’re on a longer debt repayment journey, you should consider taking breaks every now and then to decompress and plan a low-cost domestic vacation that won’t throw you off track from your end goal.

Tip #1: Celebrate every victory, big or small. Paying off a credit card or loan is a big achievement, but so is making an extra payment towards the principal.

Tip #2: One great way to earn extra income is to use cash back apps, especially because you can earn cash from the grocery store, big box stores and online shopping.

Tip #3:Starting a blog is one of the best ways to make extra money. I made over $13,000 in six months of blogging.

If you want to start a blog, Bluehost has the cheapest options to get started (that’s who I use).

Here’s a list of ideas to blog about and a tutorial on how to get started.

Your Free Guide: Start a Blog Today!

Learn how I went from $0 to 6-figures in 1 year!

Get my best tips delivered to your inbox in bite-size, easy to follow steps over the next 7 days!

12 mistakes I made while paying off debt (3)

What mistakes did you make paying off debt?

Author: Charissa Quade became debt free while cash flowing her hubby’s education. She and her husband live in the beautiful Southwest desert of Arizona where Charissa uses her expertise in living debt free by following a shoestring budget to encourage others to take control of their finances. On her website, Cook With A Shoe, she shares tips on how to handle money well and takes the scary out of budgeting. Connect with Charissa on Face Book, Twitter, or Google +.

12 mistakes I made while paying off debt (2024)


12 mistakes I made while paying off debt? ›

Debt repayment requires action, some discipline, and a lot of patience. Having a plan helps track progress and keeps you from getting discouraged. If you need additional assistance in building your repayment plan, reach out to your local credit union for any debt-related resources they may have available for you.

What are four mistakes to avoid when paying down debt? ›

We'll also provide tips on how to avoid these mistakes and reach your financial goals.
  • Not creating a budget and sticking to it. ...
  • Paying only the minimum amount each month. ...
  • Taking on new debt while trying to pay off old debt. ...
  • Not exploring all available options for debt relief. ...
  • Not asking for help when needed.

How to not get discouraged when paying off debt? ›

Debt repayment requires action, some discipline, and a lot of patience. Having a plan helps track progress and keeps you from getting discouraged. If you need additional assistance in building your repayment plan, reach out to your local credit union for any debt-related resources they may have available for you.

What is considered a bad amount of debt? ›

Most lenders say a DTI of 36% is acceptable, but they want to lend you money, so they're willing to cut some slack. Many financial advisors say a DTI higher than 35% means you have too much debt. Others stretch the boundaries up to the 49% mark.

What are bad debt scenarios? ›

Examples of Bad Debt

Using credit cards for things you cannot afford. Auto loans. Borrowing more money than you can afford to pay. Student loans for a degree that won't help you earn more money.

What are the 5 golden rules for managing debt? ›

Link Copied!
  • 1) Spend less than you earn.
  • 2) Pay yourself first.
  • 3) Avoid bad debts.
  • 4) Grow your money.
  • 5) Protect yourself and your wealth.
Feb 29, 2016

What debt should you avoid? ›

Generally speaking, try to minimize or avoid debt that is high cost and isn't tax-deductible, such as credit cards and some auto loans. High interest rates will cost you over time.

What is a trick people use to pay off debt? ›

Consider the snowball method of paying off debt.

This involves starting with your smallest balance first, paying that off and then rolling that same payment towards the next smallest balance as you work your way up to the largest balance. This method can help you build momentum as each balance is paid off.

How to aggressively pay off debt? ›

What's the best way to pay off debt?
  1. The snowball method. Pay the smallest debt as fast as possible. Pay minimums on all other debt. Then pay that extra toward the next largest debt. ...
  2. Debt avalanche. Pay the largest or highest interest rate debt as fast as possible. Pay minimums on all other debt. ...
  3. Debt consolidation.
Aug 8, 2023

What is the most effective strategy for paying off debt? ›

Debt consolidation allows you to combine several high interest debts into one new loan, ideally with a lower interest rate. This new loan is then used to pay off all your debts, and you only have to make one monthly payment. Many debt consolidation lenders offer to pay your creditors directly.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the 28 36 rule? ›

According to the 28/36 rule, you should spend no more than 28% of your gross monthly income on housing and no more than 36% on all debts. Housing costs can include: Your monthly mortgage payment. Homeowners Insurance. Private mortgage insurance.

What is considered toxic debt? ›

Toxic debt refers to debts that are unlikely to be paid back in part or in full, and therefore are at high risk of default. These loans are toxic to the lender since chances for recovery of funds are small and will likely have to be written off as a loss.

What is worse than being in debt? ›

Worse than being in debt is losing your peace.

Everyone experiences adversity. It's called being human. For some people that adversity takes the form of being in debt. The main thing is to keep your peace, to know that God is taking care of each of us, and to remember to trust Him to provide.

What is the number one indicator of bad debt? ›

1. A sudden change in payment habits. If a customer who always pays on time is suddenly late, something is wrong.

What is the bad debts answer in one sentence? ›

A bad debt is a monetary amount owed to a creditor that is unlikely to be paid and, or which the creditor is not willing to take action to collect because of various reasons, often due to the debtor not having the money to pay, for example, due to a company going into liquidation or insolvency.

What are four important steps you could take to pay off your debt? ›

What's the best way to pay off debt?
  • The snowball method. Pay the smallest debt as fast as possible. Pay minimums on all other debt. Then pay that extra toward the next largest debt. ...
  • Debt avalanche. Pay the largest or highest interest rate debt as fast as possible. Pay minimums on all other debt. ...
  • Debt consolidation.
Aug 8, 2023

What 4 things should you know about managing your debt? ›

In order to manage your debt more effectively, you may want to consider these seven steps.
  • Take account of your accounts. ...
  • Check your credit report. ...
  • Look for opportunities to consolidate. ...
  • Be honest about your spending. ...
  • Determine how much you have to pay. ...
  • Figure out how much extra you can budget.

What are 5 things you can do to avoid credit card debt? ›

How to avoid credit card debt
  • Pay as much as you can toward your debt. When it comes to avoiding credit card debt, your top priority is generally to pay off as much of your balance as possible each month. ...
  • Track your spending. ...
  • Save for emergencies. ...
  • Keep an eye on your credit scores.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.