12 Health Benefits Of Okra That Will Make You Love Greens (2024)

InterestingFacts About Okra

  • Cleopatra of Egypt and Yang Guifei of China loved to eat okra.
  • Okra seeds were used as coffee bean substitutes during World War II.
  • Okra found its way to different parts of the world during the Atlantic slave trade.

Ethiopian in origin, Abelmoschus esculentus or Hibiscus esculentus is known by many names around the world – okra, okro, lady’s finger (England), gumbo (U.S.), guino-gombo (Spain), guibeiro (Portugal), Kacang bendi (Malaysia), and bhindi, gombo, and bendakai (India). The fact that it even has that many names suggests its global popularity and widespread cultivation. The tender, young, seed-containing pod of the okra plant is eaten as a vegetable in salads, broths, stews, and stir-fries.


Being a green veggie, it is easy to wrap your head around the fact that okra is “all healthy.” Here’s what it offers:1 2

Nutrients In 1 Cup Of Okra% of Daily Value
Energy33 Calories
Fiber3.2 gm12.8
Protein1.9 gm
Carbohydrate7.5 gm
Fat0.2 gm
Magnesium57 mg14.3
Calcium82 mg8.2
Potassium299 mg8.5
Sodium7 mg
Vitamin C23 mg38.3
Vitamin K31.3 mg39.1
Folate (vitamin B9)60 µg15
Vitamin A716 IU14.3
Thiamin (vitamin B1)0.2 mg13.3
Vitamin B60.2 mg10.8

Benefits Of Okra

Like a number of natural ingredients, scientists are turning a keen eye to this time-tested home remedy. We now have research to back the folklore – which happened to be right. The following are benefits of okra, most of which would probably have never occurred to us.


1. Packs A Truckload Of Nutrients

Okra pods are loaded with significant amounts of vital nutrients –protein, fiber, calcium, iron, and zinc.3 It, thus, qualifies as an effective economical tool capable of treating malnutrition around the world.

2. Helps Control Hunger

Okra is loaded with soluble fibers.4 Soluble fiber makes you feel full faster and for longer. This can help keep your calorie intake in check, helping you with your weight loss goals. With a longer-lasting feeling of satiety, your need to binge will be curbed immensely.


3. Keeps You From Getting Tired

12 Health Benefits Of Okra That Will Make You Love Greens (2)

It is unfortunate how common the word “fatigue” has become in today’s world. What used to be mostly age and sickness-related, is now an everyday struggle for young, healthy individuals. Okra seeds can delay fatiguing.5 They contain antioxidant polyphenols and flavonoids that promote glycogen storage in the liver. Glycogen is a body fuel reserve, and more of it means you will take longer to tire.


This is why okra is also good for individuals suffering from depression. You will be able to fight the feeling of being inexplicably tired.6

[Also Read: Why Am I So Tired All The Time]


4. Manages Diabetes Mellitus

Turkish people have long been consuming an infusion of roasted okra seeds to manage diabetes mellitus.

Okra’s peel and seed can lower blood glucose levels, making them useful in managing diabetes mellitus.7 They do so by inhibiting carb-breaking enzymes, increasing sensitivity to insulin, and ensuring there are sufficient insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.8 More insulin and less breakdown of carbs to glucose means lower blood sugar.


One study proved that okra seeds prevent the intestinal breakdown of carbohydrates to glucose by inhibiting the enzyme alpha-glucosidase.9

5. Stabilizes Cholesterol Levels

Okra would make a great functional food ingredient!


The more finely ground okra powder is, the better it can adsorb cholesterol.10

Okra promotes cholesterol degradation and inhibits the production of fat in the body.11 It, thus, decreases total cholesterol and triglycerideand enhances excretion of bile acids (made from cholesterol) in the feces.

By regulating cholesterol levels in the blood, okra can prevent clogging of arteries – protecting us from heart diseases like atherosclerosis.

6. Fortifies Bones And Prevents Excessive Bleeding

The most abundant vitamin in okra is vitamin K.12 This vitamin helps strengthen bones and promotes clotting of blood. Okra, thus, helps prevent osteoporosis, fractures, and excessive bleeding (due to injury or bleeding disorders).

7. Boosts Immunity And Improves Eyesight

Okra contains moderate levels of vitamin A.13 Vitamin A encourages the production of white blood cells, key players in your immune system. While infections and diseases do their rounds in the general population, okra will equip your body well enough to resist.

Vitamin A alsosupports eyes health. If you have weak eyesight or if you come from a family with a history of weak eyesight, it makes sense for you to consume okra regularly.

8. Prevents Gastritis

In Asian medicine, the fruit of the okra plant is used as a mucilaginous food additive to treat gastric irritations.

H. pylori bacteria infect the stomach lining and cause inflammation called gastritis. Okra juice contains anti-adhesive compounds that bind to the surface of free-floating bacteria in the gut.14 15 This unanticipated binding blocks sites on the bacteria responsible for docking to the stomach lining. In effect, okra juice prevents H. Pylori infections and gastritis.

A concern that arises is whether okra’s non-specific binding to bacteria can deter normal gut bacteria. Further studies are required to assess whether okra’s benefits outweigh its potential side effects. Having said that, we can take refuge in the fact that okra is eaten widely in Asia and Africa for centuries now with no adverse effects on the digestive system.

Children between 2 to 5 are more vulnerable to H. Pylori infections, so it makes sense to ensure they eat okra regularly.

9. Prevents Liver Disease

Your liver is your body’s prime detox organ. Okra can help ensure it is protected from disease. In one study, chemically-induced liver disease in rats was efficiently counteracted by okra.16 Oral pre-administration of okra extracts reduced the effects of damaging free radicals that cause liver disease. Okra may have done so by stabilizing liver cell membranes, making them more defensive against intruding free radicals.

[Also Read:Foods That Cleanse the Liver Naturally]

10. Staves Off Neurodegenerative Disorders

Okra may help reduce the risks of Alzheimer’s in individuals who are genetically predisposed to it.17 It may also help prevent other neurodegenerative diseases related to oxidative stress.

Imagining how difficult it can be to live with a nerve disorder, this benefit of okra is of great preventive value.

11. Kills Breast Cancer Cells

12 Health Benefits Of Okra That Will Make You Love Greens (3)

In one study, a lectin isolated from okra was capable of instigating cell suicide in breast cancer cells.18 The growth of breast tumor cells was inhibited by a significant 63%.

Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women during their lifetime.19 Incorporating okra in your diet may help reduce this statistic drastically.

12. Keeps Asthma Symptoms In Check

Okra seems to be beneficial for asthma patients.20 21 How exactly it does so is not yet known. Some postulate that okra’s high vitamin C content is responsible for its respiratory benefits, however, no clear correlation between vitamin C and asthma exists.22

How To Consume Okra

Cooking Tip: To make okra more palatable, cook it in slightly salted water to reduce its slimy texture.

It is safe to say that for the general population, okra is an acquired taste. You may incorporate it in your meals with some palate-appealing, healthy recipes. To maximize benefits, you may consume the following:

1. Okra Water

Soak okra pods in a glassful of water overnight at room temperature. Some of its water-soluble nutrients and compounds will get leached out into the water. Strain out the pod, and drink the infused water.

Alternatively, you may soak sliced pods instead of whole pods. Bear in mind that there will be a bitter after-taste.

2. Okra Peel

Using a handheld grater or lemon zester, scrape the peel from the okra pod. Directly consume about half a teaspoon of the peel at a time. This is a good way to avoid ingesting okra’s mucilaginous secretion.

3. Okra Powdered Seeds

It is difficult to manually separate okra seeds from the pod and then make a powder. A more pragmatic approach is to buy readily available dried okra seed powder. It is generally advised not to have more than 5 gm of this powder in a day. Check the dosage with your health practitioner, especially if you are on diabetic medications.

An Interesting Fact

In addition to the vast array of nutrients, okra also contains antinutrients that reduce the body’s ability to absorb essential nutrients. However, the antinutrients are low in concentration and the minerals okra offers can easily be absorbed and used by the body (mineral bioavailability is high) despite them.

One can argue that most of the laboratory studies supporting the claims mentioned above use extracts and isolated compounds from okra and not the whole pod. While that is mostly true, natural remedies are best self-tested. They have been proved worthy and effective for centuries now as opposed to antibiotics and drugs developed only in the last century or two. Don’t miss out!


12 Health Benefits Of Okra That Will Make You Love Greens (2024)


What health benefits does okra have? ›

Okra is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants that help reduce the risk of serious health conditions like cancer, diabetes, stroke, and heart disease. Okra is also a good source of: Magnesium. Folate.

What happens when you eat okra everyday? ›

Eating too much okra can adversely affect some people. Gastrointestinal problems: Okra contains fructans, which is a type of carbohydrate. Fructans can cause diarrhea, gas, cramping, and bloating in people with existing bowel problems. Kidney stones: Okra is high in oxalates.

What is the benefit of drinking okra water in the morning? ›

Test-tube studies show that okra is a great source of several important antioxidants, such as quercetin and kaempferol, which may also be found in okra water. These compounds may reduce inflammation and neutralize harmful compounds called free radicals ( 4 , 5 ).

How is okra used for medicine? ›

The phytochemicals of okra have been studied for their potential therapeutic activities on various chronic diseases, such as type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular, and digestive diseases, as well as the antifatigue effect, liver detoxification, antibacterial, and chemo-preventive activities.

How long does it take for okra water to work? ›

You can witness the changes in a few days. As okra is abundant in Vitamin A, it can help you in improving your eyesight. When left overnight, okra's elements go into the water, making it easier to absorb the vitamin. By drinking okra water for seven days regularly, you can maintain your eyesight.

What are the benefits of okra on the skin? ›

"Okra is known to have high levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, and many other antioxidants, making it a helpful alternative option for reducing wrinkles, helping with acne and acne scars, and reducing skin irritations and blemishes," says Lana Pinchasov, RPA-C, physician assistant at Schweiger Dermatology Group in New ...

Can okra affect the kidney? ›

Okra consumption alone did not promote changes in inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress in the kidney. In conclusion, ET combined or not with O seems to be beneficial in preventing the progression of renal disease when renal function is not yet altered.

Does okra clean the stomach? ›

Okra's insoluble fiber helps keep your digestive system in great shape and lubricates the large intestine. The fiber in okra also feeds the good bacteria in your gut, which promotes a healthy intestinal tract. That ultimately leads to less cramping, bloating and other unpleasant stomach problems.

Does okra water clean out your system? ›

Yes, okra helps in the cleansing of the system. The mucilage in it helps flush out the toxins. What does okra water do to a man? Okra may help in improving blood sugar control and aids in weight loss in men.

Does okra cure infection? ›

It boosts the immune system

The healthy fiber in okra feeds much-needed good bacteria in our intestines, which builds our immunity against viruses and infection.

Can I drink boiled okra water? ›

Pour the water into a glass and drink the nutrient-rich beverage. You can also season the drink with salt and pepper, should you find it bland. Alternatively, to cut down on the time, boil the okra pods instead of keeping them soaked in water overnight. Once boiled, you can blend the slimy okra pods with water.

Does okra water reduce blood pressure? ›

Apart from that okra is rich in magnesium and therefore, helps in maintaining and regulating your blood pressure level in the body.

Does okra treat arthritis? ›

6 side effects of okra

Joint pain: Okra contains a toxic chemical called solanine that may exacerbate symptoms such as pain and inflammation in people with joint disorders such as arthritis.

Is okra an antibiotic? ›

Okra antibacterial activity may be attributed to catechins and quercetins derivatives, prevalent polyphenolic compounds in okra extracts (Arapitsas, 2008; Khomsug et al., 2010). Antibacterial activities of catechin are well known and more effective on Gram-positive bacteria than Gram-negative (Miyamoto et al., 2017).

How does okra affect the brain? ›

Summary Okra is rich in antioxidants that may reduce your risk of serious diseases, prevent inflammation, and contribute to overall health. Most notably, it contains polyphenols that may contribute to heart and brain health.

Is okra water good for liver? ›

Liver health also gets a boost from okra. Again, antioxidants in okra are the major force because they help the body get rid of toxins that are harmful to the liver. Moreover, antioxidants act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents that combat liver inflammation, thereby tremendously enhancing general liver function.

Can okra reduce blood sugar? ›

Okra is more than a regional delicacy. Several studies say that it can help lower blood sugar, which makes it another possible tool for those with diabetes. If you or a loved one has it, it's worth asking your doctor, a dietitian, or a diabetes educator if there's a place in your diet for okra.

Can okra grow your hair? ›

Okra is rich in vitamins A, C, and K and has calcium, potassium, and lots of other nutrients that are great for hair growth, moisturizing a dry scalp, and getting rid of dandruff.

Does okra help dark spots? ›

It is rich in vitamin C and collagen, making it supremely important for skin health and upkeep. The benefits include healthier looking skin with fewer fine lines and dark spots. Okra's antioxidant properties also help reduce the levels of inflammation in the body and skin.

Does okra brighten skin? ›

Clears Suntans and Dark Spots

The phenolic content in okra pods comprises useful skin-whitening agents.

Is okra good for bladder? ›

The high water content and anti-inflammatory compounds act as a diuretic, as it improves the bladder output, and flushes out toxins. In fact, bhindi is often administered in cases of dysuria or painful urination.

Does okra cure high blood pressure? ›

It lowers blood pressure

Potassium also helps relax blood vessels and arteries, which then reduces blood pressure and eases up the strain on our cardiovascular system. So, if you must gorge on lechon and crispy pata, make sure to balance it with okra and other high-potassium foods.

Does okra cure ulcers? ›

Abstract. Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) has various bioactive components used for the treatment of different diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.

Does okra have Omega 3? ›

Okra To Boost Memory

The goodness of essential nutrients in Okra that include phosphorus, omega 3, and omega 6 fatty acids helps to boost the memory.

Does okra cause watery sperm? ›

Despite its nutritional and medicinal values, okra is associated with sterility in humans especially men due to the presence of gossypol in the seed. Recently, some studies claimed that excess consumption of okra may have injurious effects on sperm parameters, testes weight, and testicular tissues.

Does okra thin your blood? ›

Okra is rich in vitamin K, a nutrient that aids in blood clotting — the exact process blood thinners aim to prevent. (ICYDK, blood thinners help prevent blood clots in patients with certain conditions such as atherosclerosis, thus decreasing the risk of heart attack or stroke.)

Does okra increase blood flow? ›

It fortifies the blood by increasing red blood cells and plasma. For this reason, it is recommended to consume okra during menstrual, gestation, and postnatal bleeding periods.

Is okra good for eyes? ›

Okra is loaded with beta-carotene, it contains zeaxanthin and lutein,all of these nutrients are essential for maintaining good vision. It also has decent amount of vitamin C that helps in maintaining overall eye health.

Is okra good for your lungs? ›

Coconut Curried Okra

The pods contain healthy amounts of the antioxidants beta carotene, xanthin and lutein. These compounds are essential for vision, healthy lungs and skin.

Is okra good for diabetic patient? ›

In addition to the blood glucose lowering compounds, okra is also a powerhouse of antioxidants and vital nutrients like folate, beta-carotene, and lutein. It is also enriched with anti-inflammatory properties that make it a healthy addition to an ideal diabetes diet.

What food can heal arthritis? ›

Seven Foods to Help You Fight Arthritis
  • Fatty Fish. Salmon, mackerel and tuna have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. ...
  • Dark Leafy Greens. Spinach, kale, broccoli and collard greens are great sources for vitamins E and C. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Olive Oil. ...
  • Berries. ...
  • Garlic and Onions. ...
  • Green Tea.
30 May 2018

What diseases affect okra? ›

  • Okra.
  • Diseases.
  • Damping Off (Pythium sp., Rhizoctonia sp.):
  • Fusarium Wilt(Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum):
  • Powdery Mildew (Erysiphecichoracearum):
  • Cercospora Leaf Spot(Cercospora abelmoschi and C. malayensis):
  • Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus (YVMV):
  • Enation Leaf Curl of Bhendi:

Can okra cure cough? ›

Source of vitamin C

Thus, preventing from frequent cough and cold symptoms and also be good for reducing the symptoms of asthma.

What does okra do to your stomach? ›

Okra's insoluble fiber helps keep your digestive system in great shape and lubricates the large intestine. The fiber in okra also feeds the good bacteria in your gut, which promotes a healthy intestinal tract. That ultimately leads to less cramping, bloating and other unpleasant stomach problems.

Is it better to eat okra raw or cooked? ›

Okra pods can even be eaten raw. The less cooked okra is, the better it is for you. It's high in fiber, folate, antioxidants, and vitamins A and C. Slice off the stem, cut the pods into 1-inch pieces and give them a quick saute to reduce the green taste.

Does okra clean out your system? ›

Yes, okra helps in the cleansing of the system. The mucilage in it helps flush out the toxins.

Does okra detox your body? ›

Summary. Okra is an unusual vegetable with mucilaginous properties. It has been found to soothe the digestive tract, improve detoxification, blood sugar balance, and cholesterol balance.

What does okra do in a woman's body? ›

It's rich in magnesium, folate, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin C, K1, and A. Okra may benefit pregnant women, heart health, and blood sugar control. It may even have anticancer properties.

Does okra affect the liver? ›

Liver health also gets a boost from okra. Again, antioxidants in okra are the major force because they help the body get rid of toxins that are harmful to the liver. Moreover, antioxidants act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents that combat liver inflammation, thereby tremendously enhancing general liver function.

Is okra good for arthritis? ›

6 side effects of okra

Joint pain: Okra contains a toxic chemical called solanine that may exacerbate symptoms such as pain and inflammation in people with joint disorders such as arthritis.

Does okra lower blood sugar? ›

Results: Various studies on Okra (Abelmoscus esculentus) showed that Abelmoscus esculentus (AE)/Okra extract has a hypoglycemic effect that helps decrease blood glucose level. Its properties can be a useful remedy to manage diabetes mellitus.

Is okra good for diabetes type 2? ›

Okra is more than a regional delicacy. Several studies say that it can help lower blood sugar, which makes it another possible tool for those with diabetes. If you or a loved one has it, it's worth asking your doctor, a dietitian, or a diabetes educator if there's a place in your diet for okra.

Does okra increase brain power? ›

Nutrition: Okra abounds in B vitamins and omega fatty acids, which enhance nervous system functioning and brainpower, by improving memory, concentration and intellect.

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