12 Great Ways to Use Vegetable Glycerin (2024)

Vegetable glycerinis a simple all-natural that can be used in avariety of personal care products to help add moisturizing, cleansing, andsoftening properties to formulas. High-qualityglycerin is derived from natural fats found in vegetable oils andacts as an effective emollient.

This clear viscous liquid works perfectly inquite a variety of different soaps, lotions, body washes, and other kinds ofskin and hair care products due to its soothing feel and how easy it is toutilize. This substance is truly remarkable in how versatile it is, which iswhy it has become such a popular and relied-upon ingredient in so many differentkinds of products.

If you are interested in making your own personalcare products and are short on ideas, this guide may be able to help you putyour glycerin to good use. This food-grade ingredient is kosher and gentleenough for sensitive skin, making it ideally suited for use in a trulyimpressive amount of different products.

1. Refreshing Body Wash

Who doesn’t love a good body wash? Not only arethese easy to make, but they are also versatile personal care products that canbe used for general cleansing or more specific skin benefits depending on therecipe.

Our featured body wash recipe containsglycerin and aloe vera gel, for potent moisturizing potential. A moisturizingbody wash is a perfect complement to a greater skincare routine that utilizes adedicated moisturizing lotion to ensure that your skin stays hydrated and soft.

One great point about vegetable glycerin is thatyou can actually add it straight to your lotions and creams for an addedmoisturizing effect. You don’t have to worry about this all-natural substanceirritating your skin or anything like that.

2. Activated Charcoal Soap

Why activated charcoal? If you’re not aware ofhow great this natural substance is for skin, it’s certainly worth a look. Itsnatural antibacterial and exfoliating properties are becoming widely known,which is why you’re seeing more and more of this ingredient used in popularbeauty products.

High-quality activated charcoal is effective formaintaining healthy, glowing skin, and you can easily add a bit of vegetableglycerin into the mix to give your soap an added moisturizing effect. We carry activated charcoal right here in our store as well, whichmeans you can get all of the ingredients you need to make a deep cleansing facesoap all in one place.

3. Homemade Dandruff Shampoo

Finding hair care products that have multipleactive ingredients or benefits can be tricky if you are purchasing them at yourlocal store, but it’s easy to get these kinds of effects when you make yourown.

If you are interested in crafting your owneffective and enriching dandruff shampoo, you need an impactful moisturizingagent and ingredients that will actually nourish and strengthen your hairfollicles. Try crafting a recipe using vegetableglycerin, tea tree oil, jojoba oil, and coconut oil for starters. In apinch, you could add a few drops of glycerin right into your store-boughtshampoo for added moisturizing benefits.

4. Beautifying Vitamin C FaceSerum

Vitamin C serums are super popular right now andfor good reason. These products help promote youthful, glowing skin throughantioxidant and cleansing properties. They are also relatively easy to makewith ingredients you can find right here in our store at MakeYourOwn.Buzz.

With a bit of glycerin in your face serum recipe,you can add a softening and moisturizing element that will make the recipe thatmuch more effective. In fact, a simple mixture of Vitamin C powder and glycerinis an effective face serum in its own right.

5. Natural Toothpaste

For something a little different, you could trymaking your own all-natural toothpaste using the fine ingredients in our onlinestore. You might be wondering why you would want to make your own homemadetoothpaste, and what part glycerin plays in the recipe.

The truth is that homemade toothpaste is rathereasy to make, but you have to use very specific ingredients in order to getthat “toothpaste” feel. That signature “paste” texture is usually crafted usinga laundry list of ingredients - not all of them perfectly safe and beneficial.If you are interested in formulating a safe and gentle toothpaste with morenatural ingredients, you can typically use baking soda and coconut oil as thefoundation, with peppermint essential oil as the active ingredient. Glycerin isused to help give the formula a texture that is more like the mass-marketpastes you might be used to.

Homemade Mint Toothpaste Using Vegetable Glycerin

4 TBSP Baking Soda

4 TBSP Coconut Oil

20 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil

3 Tsp. of VegetableGlycerin

This should produce a simple and reliabletoothpaste that not only feels a lot like the store-bought kind but will leaveyour mouth feeling completely refreshed!

6. Lemon Facial Cleanser

A refreshing facial cleanser should be a part of everyone’sself-care arsenal. That being said, you can simply create the kind of cleanseryou want in regards to its specific effects using a few simple ingredients thatyou can find in our store.

Lemon is a potent cleansing agent that hasastringent and antioxidant properties, which help protect and tone the skin.Combined with the moisturizing properties of glycerin, and you have thefoundation for an effective all-natural toner that can absolutely revitalizeyour skin.

When it comes to deciding what kinds of productsto use on your face, you have to take extra care not to clog your pores orirritate skin that could be dry. It’s important to take advantage of natural,beneficial ingredients that are gentle and won’t cause any unwanted sideeffects for your skin. With the right homemade cleanser, you can actually scrubaway dead skin, unclogging your pores and reducing redness.

7. Coconut Almond Body Wash

We’ve already mentioned coconut oil a few timesin this list, and it’s no wonder: it’s an effective anti-inflammatory andmoisturizer, and one of the actual sources of high-quality kosher glycerin.It’s easy to use coconut oil or butter as a base for other ingredients, such asalmond oil, to create deeply moisturizing lotions and body washes.

12 Great Ways to Use Vegetable Glycerin (1)

Learning how to create your own moisturizingproducts can be extremely useful if you suffer from dry or irritated skin. Thisall-too-common condition can be caused by an array of factors, including ourdiet and the environment around us. Sometimes, it’s difficult to prevent dryskin, especially during the winter and in colder climates, and in such cases,it’s always better to be prepared. While you could rely on mass-marketmoisturizing lotions, many of these fail to properly nourish the skin likebutters and essential oils can.

If you deal with dry skin or redness on a regularbasis, you might want to add a few drops of glycerin to your moisturizinglotion or simply start making your own with the help of our high-qualityall-natural ingredients. It’s easier than you think and well worth the effortbecause it will also save you quite a bit of money in the long run.

8. Foaming Bath Whip

For a fun and luxurious treat during bath time,try crafting your own foaming body whip. Many of these creamy, foamyconcoctions use glycerin as a base, providing excellent moisturizingcapabilities while also feeling great on your skin.

12 Great Ways to Use Vegetable Glycerin (2)

We have an incrediblebath whip recipe that uses glycerin, which is easy to make and canbe adapted with your favorite fragrances and colors for added fun andcustomization. The best part about a luscious bath whip is that it not onlyhelps you to create your own spa-like experience, but it’s actually quiteeffective for revitalizing your skin.

9. Glycerin-Based MoisturizingSpray

At this point, you’re surely aware of vegetableglycerin’s potential as a natural hydrating substance, able to lock in moistureand prevent dryness in the skin. What better way to take advantage of these qualitiesthan to create your own mist or spray?

The difference between a spray-based product andsay, a cream or lotion, is that a spray is water-based. This means that youwill only be adding a bit of essential oil and glycerin to a distilled waterbase to create a solution that can be misted onto the skin to produce a certaineffect.

In this case, you will want to go with acomplementary essential oil such as cedarwood, jojoba, or frankincense to namea few. You could also use coconut oil in this instance as well. Play aroundwith different mists and see which ones suit your skin the best, but make surethat the oils are suitably diluted, otherwise the formula could causeirritation. Always do the necessary research to see how much a certain oilneeds to be diluted before applying it to the skin!

10. Enriching Lotion For Dry Skin

Dry skin is a scourge that many people have todeal with, but with the right beneficial ingredients, you can reduce the signsand symptoms of this issue and actually help heal the skin completely.

Oftentimes, dry skin is caused by a lack ofmoisture present in the skin. This can be the result of the absence of naturaloils from lack of collagen production, or outside elements robbing the moistureas well. Either way, certain natural ingredients can hydrate the skin and helpthe skin retain moisture, and glycerin is one ingredient that excels at doingthis. You can simply add a few drops to your favorite lotion or apply itdirectly to your skin once in a while to reap its benefits.

You can also put together your own lotion as wellusing coconut oil or shea butter, glycerin, and your favorite essential oils.It’s not even that difficult and you can craft batches whenever you want, tohelp keep your skin properly hydrated and moisturized all year long.

11. Hair-Strengthening Shampoo

Glycerin also works well as an ingredient inshampoos and conditioners. The same properties that allow glycerin to help lockin moisture in your skin apply here as well - if you find that your hair is alittle dry or brittle and your shampoo isn’t helping, you can add some of thisnatural substance to it in order to make it more effective.

Alternatively, you can craft your ownhair-strengthening shampoo with a little creativity and elbow grease. Olive oilor avocado oil, distilled water, glycerin, and natural fragrances form thebackbone of most homemade shampoos. If you want to craft one that willspecifically help to strengthen your hair, definitely choose ingredients thatprovide Vitamin E.

12. Effective in Shaving Creamsand Aftershave

Want to increase the value of your aftershave orshaving lotion? Place a few drops in your favorite product to create a warming,soothing sensation that will help protect your skin and keep it feeling soft.While many mass-market shaving creams and similar products already tend to havemoisturizing qualities, the addition of a little glycerin will lend itsbenefits all the same.

These are just some of the examples of beneficialand nourishing self-care products you can create using our high-qualityvegetable-based glycerin. It should be noted that our glycerin is the finestquality and not a byproduct of any other industry or source. It is a clear,food-grade product suitable for all kinds of uses, from body lotions toconditioners, gels, balms, bath bombs, and more. If you are thinking of makingyour own formulations that contain glycerin, you want to make sure you areusing a suitable variety such as the kind you will find here in our store.

Need more information on which ingredients yourequire for a specific formula you have in mind, or curious about how you canorder vegetable glycerin in bulk? Give us a call at888-583-7738 and we would be happy to help address your needs directly. Wecarry hundreds of quality ingredients that you can use to create a wide varietyof personal care products, and we would be glad to point you in the rightdirection so your recipes will turn out perfect every time!

12 Great Ways to Use Vegetable Glycerin (2024)


What can I do with vegetable glycerin? ›

Common uses

Vegetable glycerin is widely used in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. For instance, it is often added to foods to help oil and water-based ingredients mix, sweetening or moistening the final product.

Can I put vegetable glycerin directly on my skin? ›

Used topically, Vegetable Glycerine attracts and locks moisture into the skin, thereby softening, smoothing, and soothing the complexion. Its pH level closely matches that of the skin, which makes it gentle enough to be used by those with sensitive skin and in baby skincare.

What does vegetable glycerin do to your lungs? ›

What Does Vegetable Glycerin Do to Your Lungs? Researchers have recently found that vegetable glycerin can lead to inflammation of the lungs due to long-term vaping or e-cigarette use.

What can I use glycerin for? ›

Other uses of glycerin
  • hyperosmotic laxative (drawing water to the bowels to treat constipation)
  • vehicle for numerous pharmaceutical preparations.
  • sweetening agent.
  • thickening agent.
  • preservative.

Does vegetable glycerin help with wrinkles? ›

Not only does glycerin hydrate the skin, but it actually draws moisture from the skin's inner layers up to the epidermis, making the skin plumper and restoring a youthful look. Yes, glycerin is excellent for the skin! By hydrating the skin, glycerin helps diminish and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

How do you use glycerin as body lotion? ›

Apply glycerin straight to your body (without diluting it with an oil or body moisturizer) Mix glycerin with a body oil (1:1 or 2:1 ratio) and apply mixture to your body.

Does glycerin remove dark spots? ›

Glycerin does, however, contain exfoliating properties. By removing dead skin cells, it might be possible to lighten the discoloration that acne, scars, or age spots cause.

Can you wash your face with vegetable glycerin? ›

According to scientific research, glycerin is absolutely safe to use on the face. It is widely used in several facial creams and cleansers. However, glycerin easily attracts and absorbs moisture, dust and pollution, which can cause irritation to some people.

Can I mix glycerin with my body lotion? ›

Add to your body lotion's efficiency by fortifying it with glycerin. Take 1 -2 tsp of glycerin dissolved in a few drops of water. Add this to your body lotion bottle, shake well and use as you would.

Can I pour vegetable glycerin down the drain? ›

Glycerin and wash water are high-strength wastes and much more concentrated than the usual wastewater discharged to a sewer system. In addition, glycerin will gel at lower temperatures and can clog up plumbing. Never discharge glycerin or wash water to a septic system.

Is it OK to eat glycerin? ›

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also declared glycerin safe for consumption. While the safety of glycerin (and other sugar alcohols) is well documented, when eaten in excessive amounts, some sugar alcohols (e.g., mannitol and sorbitol) can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, including gas, bloating and diarrhea.

How long will vegetable glycerin last? ›

Shelf Life Glycerin is generally chemically and microbiological stable if kept near ambient temperatures. Product stored in vented tanks may increase in water over time due to the hygroscopic nature of glycerin. Shelf life of glycerin is 24 months when stored below 100°F in a closed container.

Is vegetable glycerin a hazardous material? ›

Not a hazardous substance or mixture. This product is not a “Hazardous Chemical” as defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.

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