11 Essential Watercolor Techniques All Painters Need to Know (2024)

11 Essential Watercolor Techniques All Painters Need to Know (1)

Photo: Palette of watercolor paints and brushes from Smile19 / Shutterstock.com
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Watercolor painting has long been a favorite medium of expression for enthusiasts and professional artists alike. Although you only need a brush and pigments to get started, watercolor is a material with many creative possibilities. By incorporating household supplies into your painting, you can create work that has interesting textures as well as fluid, carefree colors that showcase the best attributes of the medium.

Common Tools Needed for Popular Watercolor Techniques

You don’t have to look far for many of the supplies needed for watercolor painting techniques. In fact, you probably have some of them in your home right now. This is in addition to a watercolor paint set, paper, and wet media brushes in various sizes.

  • Table salt
  • Masking tape or rubber cement. Both of these items will be used to mask the paper so that watercolor pigment cannot penetrate it. Each works in a similar way, although rubber cement is painted on the paper and has more flexibility. In contrast, masking tape is easier to apply but works better if you’re working with straight, rigid lines.
  • Sewing needle
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Plastic wrap

Feeling confused about why you need rubbing alcohol to paint? Don't worry—it's all explained on the next page.

11 Common Watercolor Painting Techniques

Flat Wash

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A flat wash makes up a majority of watercolor painting; it's such a basic technique that you don't even realize you're doing it. Simply dip your brush in water and paint and then spread it over your intended surface. (This is called a wash.) The important thing to remember is to make sure that your color looks even—a flat wash should appear as a single, solid hue on your paper. We use the flat wash in our demonstration of how to paint watercolor flowers.

This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to create a flat wash.

Wet on Dry

Wet on dry is another fundamental approach. It’s created by painting a wash on paper. After it has dried, apply paint on top of it. Because watercolor is translucent, you will most likely see the bottom layer behind that stroke.

Kelogsloops, one of our favorite watercolorists, shares how he uses the wet on dry technique in his painting:

Graded Wash

A graded wash shows a transition from light to dark. Start by painting dark—load up your brush with the most pigment—and then drag it across the paper. On the next pass, add less pigment on your brush and swipe it across the paper so that it slightly overlaps with your first line. The two groups will begin to converge and eventually look like one. Repeat this process, adding less and less pigment, until you’ve got your desired tonal range.

Wet on Wet

The wet-on-wet approach showcases the best quality of watercolor paint—its ability to create beautiful ethereal washes. To produce this technique, simply wet part of the paper with your brush. (You can use either water or a little pigment.) Then, dip your brush into another color and lightly dot it on the wet area and watch as the pigment feathers.

This in-depth tutorial will show you the wet-on-wet (or wet-in-wet) technique in real-time.

Dry Brush

11 Essential Watercolor Techniques All Painters Need to Know (2)

Photo: Abstract dry brush on paper from Yeroma / Shutterstock.com

Dry brush is just as it sounds; take a dry (or mostly dry) brush and dip it into your paint. Afterward, spread it over a dry piece of paper. The result will be a highly textured mark that’s great for implying fur or hair.

Perfect your dry brushing with help from this video:

Masking Tape or Rubber Cement

Rubber cement (like masking tape) acts as a resist for watercolor. Apply this material in places where you don’t want the pigment to go. Once the watercolor is dry, peel the rubber cement or masking tape from the page. You’ll see the paper underneath. This is a great solution for preserving white paper among the rest of your painting.


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When applied to watercolor paper, salt will soak up some of the color and create a sandy-looking effect on the page. Begin by laying down a wash that’s “juicy”—you want to have some extra pigment on the paper. After you’ve painted the color, spread the salt on top of it. Once the painting is completely dry (it’s best to wait overnight), scrape the salt from the page.

Jerry's Artarama has an informative video on how to use salt to create a beautiful effect:

Lifting Off Paint

There are a few ways to lift paint from the page, and they all involve plastic—saran wrap being them most popular. Like the salt method, began with a wash that’s got some extra pigment to it. Then, place a sheet of plastic wrap on top of the painting; it’s best if you’ve crinkled it or have creased it. Wait for the paint to fully dry. The pigment will pool under the plastic and create an interesting texture.

Rubbing Alcohol

Watercolor paint and rubbing alcohol are akin to oil and water. Once you paint a wash, take a utensil (like a q-tip) and dab alcohol onto the wet surface. It will create an alluring effect that’s reminiscent of tie-dye.

In this short video, you'll see the rubbing alcohol technique in action:


Scratch-off, or sgraffito, involves scratching the paper to create small indentations. Start by painting a wash where you’d like the scratch texture to go. While still wet, take a sewing needle (or another sharp object) and drag it across the paper. Paint will fill the punctured surface and appear darker and more defined than the rest of your wash.


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Warning: you're going to get your hands dirty with this technique. (But isn't that part of the fun?) The spatter technique will give a chaotic, Jackson Pollock-esque effect to your work. To create it, load your brush with pigment and use your finger to flick it onto your paper.

Don't want to get paint on your hands? Another option for spattering is to use a secondary brush and knock your painting brush against it. The force will release the pigment and it will transfer onto your paper. The downside of this method, however, is that you have less control over where the paint goes.

Watch how to splatter in this video:

Want to share your love of watercolor painting? Join our Art, Design, Photography, and Drawing Clubon Facebook!

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11 Essential Watercolor Techniques All Painters Need to Know (2024)


What are the 7 watercolor techniques? ›

  • Step 1: Preparing To Practice Watercolor Techniques. ...
  • Step 2: Wet-On-Dry Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 3: Dry-On-Dry Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 4: Dry-On-Wet Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 5: Flat Wash Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 6: Gradated Wash Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 7: Variegated Wash Watercolor Technique.
Apr 24, 2016

How many watercolor techniques are there? ›

There are 2 basic watercolor techniques that will be fundamental to your practice—wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry. In this tutorial, I cover what these terms mean, when to use each of the two techniques, and how to do it successfully.

What are the 12 techniques in painting? ›

list of painting techniques
  • acrylic painting.
  • action painting.
  • aerial perspective.
  • anamorphosis.
  • camaieu.
  • casein painting.
  • chiaroscuro.
  • divisionism.

What is the hardest painting technique? ›


These styles garner huge attention and praise from the public, but not necessarily other artists. For those who do not practice painting, hyper-realism and photo-realism are often considered the most difficult due to the wow factor.

What is the golden rule of watercolor? ›

Don't do something to please someone else; let the paint please you.

Can I learn watercolor by myself? ›

I teach myself to paint every day.

I used to feel a little self-deprecating about my status as a self-taught artist, but over the years I've realized that every artist is self-taught. The skills required for using watercolor with confidence can't be achieved except through use, no matter how many classes you take.

What is the easiest painting technique? ›

These basic techniques are super simple and many can be done using common household supplies.
  • 1) Use More Water. ...
  • 2) Dab With Stiff Bristles or Paper Towel. ...
  • 3) Try Stippling or Repetitive Dabbing. ...
  • 4) Experiment With Dripping and Acrylic Pouring. ...
  • 5) Lift Sections of Paint. ...
  • 6) Use Painter's Tape for Clean Lines and Shapes.
Sep 8, 2021

Why is watercolor painting so difficult? ›

Watercolour is hard due to its unpredictable nature. Watery pigment flows wherever it wants, which makes it difficult to control. And since watercolour is translucent and appears lighter once the pigment has dried, it's hard to fix mistakes because they show through the layers.

What is the 1/3 rule in painting? ›

The Rule of Thirds is a general guideline for how to create an interesting composition which states that any image—painting, photograph, graphic design—should be broken into a grid with two vertical and two horizontal lines, creating nine equally proportioned boxes.

What are the 8 forms of painting? ›

Painting subjects usually fall into still life, landscape, seascape, portraiture, or abstract. There are many painting styles, including modernist, expressionist, classical, surreal, cubist, Chinese style, abstract, impressionist, and many more.

Which is harder watercolor or acrylic? ›

Both are great mediums, but acrylic paints are easier to use, and any mistakes can be easily fixed. Watercolors can be difficult to learn and any mistakes you make are extremely difficult or impossible to fix.

What is the easiest art medium? ›

Acrylic is typically the easiest for beginners, while watercolor is the hardest. However, if you hate working with acrylic, don't force yourself to paint it just because it's easier. It's far more important to find a medium that you enjoy.

What is the rule of 3 art? ›

The rule of thirds is a guideline for both artists and photographers. It says that if you divide your composition into thirds, either vertically or horizontally, and then place focal areas of your scene at the meeting points of them, you will get a more pleasing arrangement and layout for your compositions.

What is the easiest thing to paint in watercolor? ›

Fruit and Vegetables. I think it is nice to start off with something that has a rather simple shape. And for complete beginners, my preference is that the simple shape is not too uniform and symmetrical. I highly recommend fruit and vegetables as an easy painting subject.

Do you wet the paper before watercolor? ›

The watercolor paper only needs to be moistened prior to painting if you intend to use a wet-on-wet painting technique. Wetting the paper can lead to buckling, making brushstrokes challenging to control because of the resulting bumpy surface.

Do I outline or watercolor first? ›

Inking before watercolor saves time. I find that the ink from a pen dries much faster and I can add watercolor in just a few minutes. However, waiting for watercolor to dry before adding ink can take a while.

Why are good watercolor paintings not easy to me? ›

However, painting with watercolors can be difficult. It is a hard medium to master, largely because it can be unforgiving and unpredictable. Mistakes are difficult to correct, and its fluid nature makes it hard to control. Yet it's these very qualities that give the medium its undeniable charm.

What are the 4 watercolor techniques? ›

The 4 Watercolor Techniques
  • Wet-on-Wet.
  • Wet-on-Dry.
  • Dry-on-Wet.
  • Dry-on-Dry.
Dec 6, 2022

What are the 10 elements of painting? ›

The elements of painting are the basic components or building blocks of a painting.
The Elements of Painting
  • 01 of 10. Color. ...
  • 02 of 10. Tone. ...
  • 03 of 10. Line. ...
  • 04 of 10. Shape. ...
  • 05 of 10. Space. ...
  • 06 of 10. Texture. ...
  • 07 of 10. Composition. ...
  • 08 of 10. Direction.
Apr 22, 2020

What are the 7 elements of painting? ›

ELEMENTS OF ART: The visual components of color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value. may be two-or three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract.

What makes a good watercolour artist? ›

A good watercolour painting embodies vibrant colours, luminosity, and translucency. A watercolour artist must master these three important traits in order to create beautiful watercolour paintings that are better than average.

What does adding salt to watercolor do? ›

What does the salt do? The salt acts a resist of sorts. The area where the salt touches the paper will be lighter in color. The salt will push the watercolor pigment away and thus the lighter spot will be surrounded by a darker shade.

What does rubbing alcohol do to watercolor? ›

Rubbing alcohol (unique organic, bubbly effect)

Use a Q-Tip, pipette, or even just a clean brush to touch rubbing alcohol drops to the paint surface. The rubbing alcohol will cause the paint to repel, pushing it away while leaving a lighter color exposed.

What is the weakness of watercolor? ›

Watercolor has the following disadvantages:

The paint material or support must absorb water. This technique is based on water, it works with the fluidity of the paint that, when it dries, remains fixed. This implies a limitation of materials.

How do you correct a mistake on your watercolor art? ›

1. Correcting an error
  1. Runs:
  2. Bleeding: absorb surplus water with a sponge, then stump with a paper handkerchief or a rag.
  3. Contours: to soften a contour that is too strong, wet a cotton swab and stump the line.
  4. Small mistakes: cover them with opaque paint (gouache or white acrylic), allow to dry, then paint over them.

What does lemon juice do to watercolor paint? ›

Dropping lemon juice into semi wet watercolor paints doesn't produce such an immediate reaction. But if left to sit until it's dry the citric acid in the juice will bleach the colors of the watercolor paint producing super interesting shapes.

What art paint dries the fastest? ›

Dry Times for Each Type of Paint
  • Latex paint will feel dry to the touch after an hour, but it is recommended to wait for four hours before applying another coat of paint.
  • Acrylic paint dries even faster; it is dry to the touch after 30 minutes and ready for a second coat after two hours.
May 31, 2022

What is the most common painting technique? ›

The most preferred painting style, oil painting is practiced by most artists around the globe. The paints are made by mixing pigments with drying oils like poppy seed oil, walnut oil, linseed oil, and safflower oil. Using oil paint gives you the versatility of creating a wide range of opacity and intensity in your art.

What is the hardest part of creating a painting? ›

The hardest part of creating a painting is coming up with an amazing idea, and then turning that idea into an inspired design. Producing the painting (that is, putting the paint on the canvas) isn't a piece of cake either, but that seems to flow once the first part is nailed down.

What is overworked watercolor? ›

Overworking watercolour is a result of over-blending and over-detailing a painting to such a degree that the central focus or overall aesthetic is ruined. Often enough, overworking a painting is a consequence of not having a specific goal or process to render the artwork successfully.

Why is honey used in watercolor? ›

This traditional base creates willing watercolors ready for your brush and yields even, fluid washes. Honey also allows for stronger, truer colors. With a complete range of pleasing pigments — from delicate tints to dark, concentrated colors — you'll discover more color possibilities with M.

What color is hardest to paint? ›

WHITE. White is notoriously one of the most difficult paint colors to choose on both interiors and exteriors.

Which is harder watercolor or oil painting? ›

With watercolors, as I'm sure you know, mistakes are tricky to get rid of, especially without damaging the paper. With oil paints, thankfully, it's a much easier process; you can simply scrape back the paint with a palette knife (or, if the paint layer is thin, wipe it off with a rag) and paint over it.

What is the hardest medium to paint with? ›

Some say watercolor painting by far is the most difficult medium.

What are the two types of watercolor? ›

Different types of watercolor paints include gouache paint, acrylic, and chalk. Gouache paints are opaque and ideal for creating paintings with deep colors. These paints work best when they're applied to pre-wetted paper. Gouache paint is an opaque watercolor tube paint that works best on top of the already-wet paper.

What is color theory in watercolor? ›

In watercolor painting you control the water to pigment ratio to create the relative lightness and darkness of your paint. For example, a lot of water mixed with very little paint will create a very light color; a little bit of water mixed with a good bit of paint will create a dark color. !

How many layers can you do in watercolor? ›

While there is probably an infinite number of layers possible, the great artists of the past generally show only the essential aspects of a subject with nothing extra added. Their art is deceptively simple. Many of John Singer Sargent's watercolors, for example, are created with only three layers.

What are the 10 paint tools? ›

  • Wall Cleaner. You want to work with a clean surface since a dirty wall could prevent the paint from adhering or cause the paint to bubble. ...
  • Painter's Tape. ...
  • Brushes. ...
  • Rollers. ...
  • Canvas Drop Cloths. ...
  • Paint Brush Cleaner. ...
  • Plastic Bucket. ...
  • Plastic Roller Tray.
Apr 25, 2022

What is the rule of three in painting? ›

The rule of thirds is a guideline for both artists and photographers. It says that if you divide your composition into thirds, either vertically or horizontally, and then place focal areas of your scene at the meeting points of them, you will get a more pleasing arrangement and layout for your compositions.

What are the 7 art techniques? ›

There are seven elements of art that are considered the building blocks of art as a whole. The seven elements are line, color, value, shape, form, space, and texture.

What are the 5 parts of paint? ›

However, basically all paints consist of the following five components.
  • Base Pigment.
  • Vehicle or Binder.
  • Solvent or Thinner.
  • Drier.
  • Colouring Pigments or Extenders.
Jun 8, 2015

What is a 5 in 1 paint tool? ›

The standard 5-in-1 painter's tool features a stainless steel blade that is detailed to function as a putty knife, a scraper, a gouger, a paint roller cleaner, and a paint can opener all packed into one multi-faceted device.

What is the 14 elements of art? ›

The principles of art are scale, proportion, unity, variety, rhythm, mass, shape, space, balance, volume, perspective, and depth.

What are the 12 principles of design? ›

Understanding the basics

There are twelve basic principles of design: contrast, balance, emphasis, proportion, hierarchy, repetition, rhythm, pattern, white space, movement, variety, and unity.

What are the 4 components of painting? ›

Most paints consist of the same basic components: pigments, binders, liquids and additives. Each component serves a role in determining the quality of the paint as well as its performance both during and after application.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.