10 Ways Parents Can Promote Entrepreneurship - For Finance Sake (2024)

10 Ways Parents Can Promote Entrepreneurship - For Finance Sake (1)

These days, the traditional path of getting a good education and going to work in the corporate world isn’t always the best way to find success. Although it’s still a great choice, many young people prefer instead to take a path of entrepreneurship, and there’s a lot that parents can do to help them follow that path.

Lemonade stands, family learning adventures, and smart financial lessons are just a few of the ways that parents can instill an entrepreneurial attitude of success in their children from a very early age. Read on to find out how you can help your child become a great entrepreneur from the very start.

  1. Encourage them to follow their ideas:

    Whether your kids want to start a blog, sell vegetables from your garden, or set up a classic lemonade stand, give them your time and encouragement. Let them learn by doing, and find opportunities for lessons along the way. Ask them to consider how they’ll fund their startup, where to get supplies, how much to charge, how to find their customers, and of course, what to do with the money they earn. You should of course set some limitations for time, legality, and safety, but be open to let your kids explore their own ideas. Allow them to fail, and turn failures into learning moments.

  2. Teach good teamwork:

    Rarely do entrepreneurs succeed completely independently. Even if they’re in business alone, they’re networking, getting others interested, and meeting with people that can help get their business off the ground. Learning how to work with others is essential for success, so be sure to encourage group work in school, in your home, and beyond.

  3. Encourage team sports:

    Team sports are a great way to teach kids to work with others, and they’re also great for learning business lessons. Chances are, they won’t win every game, but the setbacks and hard work that are a part of playing sports can teach kids how to work toward success.

  4. Be available:

    Every great entrepreneur needs a mentor, and for your kids, you are that person. Although you should encourage your child to operate independently, always be there to answer questions or offer helpful suggestions. If you don’t know how to solve a problem, learn how to do it together.

  5. Teach your kids to be self-starters:

    Doing what they’re told is easy for most kids. Asking them to complete certain chores is simple and straightforward. But if you want them to start thinking creatively, encourage their initiative. Ask them to come up with ideas for chores that need to be done, or encourage them to plan a meal and cook for the family once a week.

  6. Encourage adventure and observational skills:

    Some of the best entrepreneurs found success simply by filling a need that no one else even knew existed. The world is full of business opportunities, if only we could notice them. Parents can help their children learn to recognize these types of opportunities by developing observation and creativity. Walk around your neighborhood with your kids and consider which needs are not being met. Do you have neighbors that need lawn care? Businesses that need a website? Teach kids to recognize and anticipate the needs of others.

  7. Teach problem-solving:

    Entrepreneurship can be a bumpy road full of obstacles and challenges to overcome, even for the best-laid plans. Show your children that problems are just solutions that have not been solved yet. Give them small challenges to overcome, and nudge them in the right direction to find a solution.

  8. Show your own entrepreneurial spirit:

    Kids can learn about entrepreneurship by watching you in your own venture. Even if you’re working a 9-to-5 office job, you can take on a small entrepreneurial experience on the side. Selling crafts on Etsy, walking dogs, and doing handyman (or woman) work is a great way to set an example. Be sure to openly share your experiences with your kids.

  9. Tell them about great entrepreneurs:

    In addition to setting your own example in entrepreneurship, encourage your kids to learn from the greats. Tell them the stories of young, successful entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, who started Facebook in his dorm room. Give them examples and role models to look up to and be inspired by. Show them that others are making it big as entrepreneurs, even other teens and young adults.

  10. Point them in the direction of Junior Achievement:

    Many schools have chapters of Junior Achievement, an organization that brings business owners into schools to teach and mentor students as they create entrepreneurial opportunities. This is a great way for your child to learn about leadership, teamwork, and real world entrepreneurship in a team setting.

  11. Play business games:

    Many games exist to teach kids the basics of business. Make learning about entrepreneurship fun by engaging your children in these games. In one such game, Disney’s Hot Shot Business, children decide what to do when a comic book company leaves town and leaves the opportunity to utilize resources.

10 Ways Parents Can Promote Entrepreneurship - For Finance Sake (2024)


How can parents teach their children to manage their finances? ›

Give them an allowance

An allowance is an effective tool for teaching kids about money management. Instead of handing out money without strings attached, consider linking the allowance to age-appropriate chores or tasks to help them understand the relationship between work, effort, and earning money.

How to help your parents financially as a kid? ›

  1. Give a Cash Gift.
  2. Make a Personal Loan.
  3. Co-Sign a Loan.
  4. Create a Bill-Paying Plan.
  5. Provide Employment.
  6. Give Non-Cash Assistance.
  7. Prepay Bills.
  8. Help Find Local Resources.

What is the role of parents in financial literacy? ›

Understanding personal finances requires analytical thinking and decision-making. As a parent, you can engage your child(ren) in discussions about budgeting and investment choices, encouraging them to think critically and make informed decisions. This nurtures their problem-solving skills and financial acumen.

How can my family manage our finances? ›

8 tips to effectively manage your family's finances
  1. Determine your family's necessary expenses. ...
  2. Think before you buy. ...
  3. Discuss your budget with your family. ...
  4. Create financial goals. ...
  5. Leave wiggle room in your budget. ...
  6. Spend with a purpose. ...
  7. Save with a purpose. ...
  8. Monitor your credit card statements monthly.
Jan 28, 2023

Do parents help their kids financially? ›

Nearly half of US parents provide some kind of financial support to their adult children, who are grappling with higher food and living costs than they did, a new study has found.

How to help financially struggling parents? ›

Help Your Parents Financially Without Money
  1. Help them downsize. If your parents are finding their current home unaffordable because of its size, it may make sense for them to downsize. ...
  2. Guide them through a relocation. ...
  3. Ask them to move in. ...
  4. Create a budget for them. ...
  5. Help with maintenance or repairs.
Jan 14, 2022

How can I help my daughter financially? ›

The bank of mum and dad: what you can do to help your child...
  1. We all want what's best for our children, right? ...
  2. Gift them money. ...
  3. Lend them money. ...
  4. Teach them good saving habits. ...
  5. Consider investing in their future.

How can I be financially free from my parents? ›

7 Steps to Reach Financial Independence
  1. Set Up Your Own Bank Accounts.
  2. Analyze Your Spending and Create a Budget.
  3. Review Health Insurance Options.
  4. Start an Emergency Fund.
  5. Save for Financial Goals.
  6. Build Your Credit.
  7. Commit to Paying Off Student Debt.

What is the fastest way to create generational wealth? ›

Follow these five steps to get started on your generational wealth building journey:
  1. Step 1: Pay off Debts. Think of debt as missed opportunity. ...
  2. Step 2: Buy a House. ...
  3. Step 3: Start Long-term Investing. ...
  4. Step 4: Put an Estate Plan in Place. ...
  5. Step 5: Share Your Financial Wisdom.
Mar 19, 2024

How do I set my child up for wealth? ›

Here are some tips and tools that can help set your kids up for financial success—now, and in the future.
  1. Lesson #1: Earn Money. Many of us first earned money by receiving an allowance. ...
  2. Lesson #2: Spend Mindfully. ...
  3. Lesson #3: Create a Budget. ...
  4. Lesson #4: Save for the Future. ...
  5. Lesson #5: Manage Debt. ...
  6. Success Starts Now.
Oct 3, 2023

How families build wealth? ›

Strategies for building generational wealth include investing in education, financial markets, and real estate, and creating and preserving assets. Maximizing tax benefits and avoiding debt are crucial for building generational wealth.

What is financial parenting? ›

As a parent, establishing the correct mindset about hard work and earning is a fundamental role toward a child's financial learning. Without you, these ideals of fiscal responsibility may get lost. One of the most important things to remember as a parent is to talk openly and frequently about money and spending.

What is the financial role of a mother? ›

The financial implications of motherhood means moms must adjust their finances to fit the needs of their growing family whether they are a mom in the labor force or a stay-at-home mom. A working mom combines a career with the responsibility of raising a family.

Why parents should teach financial literacy? ›

It can help them make better financial choices

From saving and investing to creating and sticking to a budget, early money lessons can give your kids a leg up when it's time for them to make more significant financial decisions.

Why kids should be able to manage their own money? ›

It's important to teach children to manage their money so that they are prepared for adulthood. Teaching proper money management encourages your child to build habits like saving money, spending within their means, setting financial goals, and making financial plans.

How do you help your daughter struggling with money management to become financially independent? ›

Raising Your Kids to Be Financially Independent Adults
  1. Start With Basic Budgeting.
  2. Split the Costs of “Must-Have” Items.
  3. Teach Them About Credit Cards.
  4. Talk Openly About What They Can Expect in Terms of Support for the Future.

What is one of the essential things that we should teach children about finances? ›

Help them understand that everything costs money

It seems like young children ask for everything. While they know where to go to get what they want, they may not understand how these things are purchased. Explain to them the value of their allowance as compared to what they want to buy. Teach them how to prioritize.

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.