10 natural remedies for a tooth infection| Guardian Direct (2024)

10 natural remedies for a tooth infection| Guardian Direct (1)

The only way to truly get rid of an infection is with antibiotics. However, home remedies for tooth infection can help manage the symptoms and alleviate some of the pain. If you have a tooth infection you need to see a dentist to assess whether or not you need a root canal and to get prescription antibiotics to make sure that the infection goes away and doesn’t cause any more pain or damage to your teeth.

There are some natural remedies that you can use to both help control the pain and help stop the infection from getting worse or spreading while you wait for the infection to die off. Not all of these remedies will work for every person but if you’re in pain from an infected tooth they can bring you some relief.

1. Saltwater rinse

One of the easiest things that you can do to help lessen the pain of a tooth infection and try to stop the spread of an infection is to rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution. A saltwater rinse will kill off some of the bacteria in your mouth and irrigate your mouth. It can rinse some of the debris out of your mouth and if you have an abscess it can help break up the pus surrounding the tooth. You can use regular table salt and warm tap water to make a basic saltwater rinse. Just add about ½ a teaspoon of salt to a small cup of warm water and stir it will. Rinse your mouth with for a couple of minutes swishing the solution thoroughly around your mouth and then spit it out.

2. Baking soda

A tooth abscess home treatment that you probably have in your kitchen right is baking soda. The same baking soda that you keep in the refrigerator to mitigate odor has antibacterial properties. Rinsing your mouth with a solution of baking soda and warm water will help reduce the amount of plaque in your mouth and help relieve pain. If you have an abscess on the side of your tooth or in your gums, you can make a paste of baking soda and water and apply that directly to your tooth or gum instead of using the rinse. If the infection in your tooth is in another part of the tooth, use the rinse.

3. Essential oils

Essential oils have been used for their medicinal properties for centuries. Essential oils are made from plants that are distilled with water or steam or cold pressed to extract the oil within the plant leaves and stems. Steam distillation is the most common modern method of extracting oil from plants but in earlier centuries they often used cold pressing to make sure that they got the best quality oil.

To use essential oils to alleviate pain and promote healing you should always keep the essential oils in a cool place away from things like spices or food. Put a couple of drops of the essential oil on a cotton ball or cotton swab and then use that to apply the oil to your tooth.

There are many different gentle essential oils that have been proven to have some success treating any number of dental issues including infection like:

When you’re using essential oils, make sure that you are using pure medicinal grade essential oils. You can find these at any health food store. Some food co-ops also sell them and you can buy them online. Buy from trusted brands that have a reputation for high quality. Double check to make sure that the bottle says that the oil is therapeutic grade essential oil before using it. These days many makers use “natural” oils to do everything from flavor baked goods to make perfume and soaps. Those oils are scent oils not pure essential oils. Those oils have no therapeutic value and can be dangerous if ingested.

4. Herbal teas

Herbal teas are another time-tested home remedy for many different ailments. You can make your own herbal teas by buying the leaves and stems of various herbs and simply steeping them in hot water to make a tea. However, it will probably be more effective to buy medicinal grade teas that are already made. High quality therapeutic grade teas will contain a higher quality of herb and a stronger concentration than anything you can buy so they will most likely be more effective. If your teeth are sensitive to heat because of the infection brew the tea, let it steep for up to 15 minutes depending on how string you want it to be, and let it cool to room temperature before you drink it.

Fenugreek a popular tea to help alleviate the symptoms of a tooth infection. Fenugreek has been documented to have medicinal properties although not enough research has been done to prove that those properties are beneficial for tooth infection home treatment. Fenugreek tea is easy to find at most health food stores and even in some grocery stores with an alternative medicine or alternative health food section.

The other recommended tea for a tooth infection is Goldenseal tea. Goldenseal is an herb related to Turmeric and it has many of the same anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties that Turmeric has. Goldenseal also has natural antibacterial and antibiotic properties for a tooth infection. Drink up to three cups a day to help knock out a tooth infection.

5. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is something almost everyone has in their medicine kit or first aid cabinet. It has many household and first aid uses, but it’s best known for preventing infections in cuts and for being an effective mouthwash. This simple first aid staple is one of the best remedies for an infected tooth. To make a Hydrogen Peroxide mouth rinse use a 1:1 ratio or mix equal parts peroxide and warm water then rinse your mouth with that.

6. Garlic

A tooth abscess home remedy that is easy to find and inexpensive to buy is garlic. You may not like the idea of smelling like garlic just because you’re trying to treat a tooth but the healing effects of garlic might make the smell worth it. There is a compound in fresh raw garlic called Allicin that may have significant pain relief and antibacterial properties that can reduce or eliminate the infection in a tooth. If you suspect that you have a tooth infection and you can’t get to a dentist right away, peeling a clove of garlic and gently biting down on it with your infected tooth can help. You will need to leave the piece of garlic against your tooth for a few minutes for it to be effective.

7. Over-the-counter pain killers

You can take over-the-counter painkillers like acetaminophen, naproxen, or aspirin to control the pain and any radiating pain caused by your tooth infection. Just make sure that you don’t take more than the recommended dose and that you make sure that they won’t have a bad interaction with any medications that you are taking.

8. Coconut oil pulling

Oil pulling is a rather controversial practice. Some people say that it helps maintain good dental hygiene and recommend doing it daily. However, there is no evidence that oil pulling has any medicinal benefits for oral health. Coconut oil has some powerful antibacterial properties so it’s possible that oil pulling using liquid coconut oil could help lessen the duration of the infection or make the symptoms more manageable.

9. Cold compress

A cold compress can help if you have a swollen face from tooth infection. Home remedies can help tooth pain but cold is the best thing to bring down swelling. Most commercially available cold packs don’t bend so it can be difficult to get them to sit right on the curves of your face or neck. Instead of a commercial cold pack, you can make your own by wrapping up some ice in a washcloth or towel. Or, you can always dip into the freezer and grab a bag of frozen corn or peas that will stay cold for a long time and fit well into the contours of your face and neck.

10. Aloe vera gel

Aloe Vera gel is often used to treat burns and cuts or skin irritations because it has natural antibacterial properties but it is also an effective way to stop the pain of an infected tooth. It can also help heal abscesses in the gums. When you buy Aloe Vera gel to use in your mouth make sure that you are buying food-grade Aloe Vera so that it’s safe to ingest. You can also use Aloe Vera liquid but the gel is easier to apply to your teeth and gums. Keep the bottle in the refrigerator for extra pain relief. Applying cold Aloe Vera gel to a painful infected tooth or infected gums can give you instant pain relief and the added benefit of fighting infection.

When to call a dentist

A tooth infection happens when bacteria get into the tooth through a cavity, a chip, or a crack. Infections in the teeth can spread to other teeth, your jaw, or your gums. If a tooth infection is left untreated, it can have serious health consequences, so it’s important that you see a dentist to treat it promptly if you have the symptoms of a tooth infection.

Natural remedies can help you manage the symptoms of a tooth infection but you still need to see a dentist about the infection. The dentist can take X-rays to determine if you need a root canal and see how bad the damage from the infection is. You may also need a course of antibiotics. You should call a dentist as soon as you suspect that you have an infected tooth.

How a dentist will treat a tooth infection

Once a dentist has determined that you have an infection, the dentist can work to treat the infection, clear out any abscesses that have formed, and assess the damage. You will usually be given a prescription for antibiotics too. If there are abscesses in the tooth or in the gums near the tooth the dentist will go in and clean those pockets out to get rid of the bacteria. Often that can provide immediate relief from the pain of an infected tooth. The dentist will also check your teeth to see if you will need a root canal in order to save the tooth.

What causes a tooth infection?

The primary cause of a tooth infection is dental caries, or tooth decay. Your mouth is full of bacteria all the time, but usually that bacteria doesn’t get inside your teeth where it can cause an infection. When decay causes cavities and cracks or holes in your teeth, bacteria can seep into your teeth and cause a tooth infection. An infection can also happen if you have an injury to your tooth that causes a crack or a chip in the tooth. Keeping your teeth strong and healthy through regular brushing and flossing can help prevent decay and infections.

Infection can happen in different parts of the tooth. Sometimes the infection occurs on the side of the tooth if there is an opening there and that can cause the infection to spread to the gums. Pockets of pus called abscesses can form around the infection that will need to be drained by the dentist for the infection to go away.

10 natural remedies for a tooth infection| Guardian Direct (2)

Symptoms of a tooth infection

The most obvious symptom of a tooth infection is pain. Intense, sharp, or shooting pain in a tooth is a good indication that there is an infection that needs to be dealt with. Some of the other common symptoms of a tooth infection are:

  • Severe, persistent, throbbing toothache that can radiate to the jawbone, neck or ear

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures

  • Sensitivity to the pressure of chewing or biting

  • Fever not associated with flu or another illness

  • Swelling in your face, cheek, or jaw.

  • Tender, swollen lymph nodes under your jaw or in your neck

  • Sudden rush of foul-smelling and foul-tasting, salty fluid in your mouth and pain relief, if the abscess ruptures

  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing

How dental insurance can help

Dental emergencies happen. Even if you are practicing good dental hygiene and you take care of your teeth, you can still end up with an infected tooth that needs to be dealt with right away. Dental insurance can help cover the costs of things like X-rays, exams, and other treatments, as well as more expensive care like root canals.

This is not dental care advice and should not be substituted for regular consultation with your dentist. If you have any concerns about your dental health, please contact your dentist's office.


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Brought to you by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian), New York, NY. Material discussed is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only and it is not to be construed as tax, legal, investment or medical advice.(exp.06/22)

10 natural remedies for a tooth infection| Guardian Direct (2024)


What home remedy kills a tooth infection? ›

Saltwater rinse

Not only does salt help to reduce bacteria, but rinsing with warm salt water can also remove debris from your mouth, break up pus around the tooth, and help ensure proper wound healing. To create a saltwater rinse for a tooth infection, simply mix a half teaspoon of salt with a half cup of warm water.

How can I fight an oral infection without antibiotics? ›

What Can I Do At Home?
  1. Brush at least twice each day.
  2. Rinse after each meal.
  3. Floss daily.
  4. Make sure you are using a proper toothbrush with soft bristles.
  5. Use a natural mouthwash daily.
  6. Attend your regular exams and cleaning appointments at your dentist.
  7. Avoid foods and drinks high in sugar.
Dec 30, 2021

Can your body naturally fight off tooth infection? ›

A tooth infection will not go away on its own. Your toothache may stop if an infection causes the pulp inside your tooth to die. The pain stops because the nerve isn't functioning anymore, so you may not be able to feel it. However, the bacteria will continue to spread and destroy surrounding tissue.

What kills tooth infection? ›

Antibiotics are drugs that can kill bacteria. They're sometimes used to treat tooth infections. Depending on the severity of your infection, you may receive oral antibiotics or intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Your tooth will also need a root canal or extraction along with the antibiotics.

What makes a tooth infection go away? ›

Dental abscesses are treated by removing the source of the infection and draining away the pus. Depending on the location of the abscess and how severe the infection is, possible treatments include: removing the affected tooth (extraction) – this may be necessary if root canal treatment isn't possible.

What home remedy kills bacteria in mouth? ›

Studies have shown that baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, can effectively kill bacteria in the mouth. Research indicates that toothpastes containing high concentrations of baking soda effectively reduce bad breath. To make a baking soda mouthwash, add 2 teaspoons of baking soda to 1 cup of warm water.

What is a natural oral antibiotic? ›

A natural antibiotic is an antibiotic that derives from natural sources. Some foods, essential oils, and plant extracts exhibit antibiotic effects. The use of natural antibiotics dates back to prehistoric times. Ancient civilizations used various natural treatments to fight infection.

How do I get rid of a bacterial infection in my mouth? ›

How To Get Rid Of Bad Bacteria In The Mouth: 6 Ways To Inactivate The Harmful Bugs
  1. Brush Your Teeth. May be it goes without saying, maybe it doesn't – but Brush Your Teeth! ...
  2. Swish With A Peroxide Or Alcohol Containing Mouthwash. ...
  3. Floss Between Your Teeth. ...
  4. Brush Your Tongue. ...
  5. Drink Water. ...
  6. Take A Probiotic. ...
  7. Eat Fibrous Food.
Mar 28, 2020

What happens if tooth infection spreads to jaw? ›

Leaving an infection to spread to your facial bones may eventually necessitate surgical removal to stop it. Even in minor cases, a tooth infection can cause the bone structures of your jaw to weaken, making it hard to support your teeth.

What are the symptoms of a tooth infection spreading? ›

Signs of Tooth Infection Spreading to Body
  • Extreme sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, especially food and drinks.
  • Pain that radiates from the tooth outward.
  • Swelling in the cheeks or gums.
  • Constant bad breath.
  • Bad taste in the mouth.
  • Pressure or pain when biting down.

Can a tooth infection go away without antibiotics? ›

A tooth abscess won't go away without treatment. If the abscess ruptures, the pain may improve a lot, making you think that the problem has gone away — but you still need to get dental treatment. If the abscess doesn't drain, the infection may spread to your jaw and to other areas of your head and neck.

How long can you survive with a tooth infection? ›

In conclusion, the maximum period that an untreated tooth abscess can sustain is 12 months or more. But, such longevity is associated with dangerous complications such as sepsis or even death.

Why won't a tooth infection go away on its own? ›

Bacteria that cause an infection rarely go away on their own. Typically, an infection will get worse without medical intervention. The same is true for infections in your mouth. Infected gums or teeth can and will continue to get worse without help.

How do you starve bacteria in your mouth? ›

Chew on a Piece of Xylitol Gum

Chewing mint-flavored xylitol gum has the benefit of a minty-fresh smell and can also reduce the presence of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar that, unlike other sugars, is indigestible by bacteria. Most sugars break down and feed harmful bacteria.

Which teeth are connected to which organs? ›

How Are Your Teeth Connected To the Other Organs In Your Body?
  • Lungs – Upper premolars, lower first and second molars.
  • Large intestine – Upper premolars, lower first and second molars.
  • Spleen – Lower premolars.
  • Stomach – Upper first and second molars, lower premolars.
Jun 11, 2019

What toothpaste kills bacteria? ›

Crest Premium Plus Anti-Bacterial toothpaste helps kill plaque-causing bacteria that leads to gingivitis. The Crest Premium Plus line features an Active Foam + Whitening formula that removes surface stains while fighting cavities and tartar. Leaves breath minty fresh with a smooth peppermint flavor.

What is the strongest natural antibiotic for infection? ›

Honey. Honey tops the list of antibiotics and is known for its extensive healing properties. The presence of hydrogen peroxide in honey exhibits strong antibacterial properties. In addition, the high sugar content thwarts the growth of bacteria.

What is the best homemade antibiotic? ›

Seven best natural antibiotics
  1. Garlic. Cultures across the world have long recognized garlic for its preventive and curative powers. ...
  2. Honey. Since the time of Aristotle, honey has been used as an ointment that helps wounds to heal and prevents or draws out infection. ...
  3. Ginger. ...
  4. Echinacea. ...
  5. Goldenseal. ...
  6. Clove. ...
  7. Oregano.

What is a natural alternative to amoxicillin? ›

12 All Natural Antibiotics
  • Oregano/Oil of Oregano. We think of oregano as something to add to your favorite Italian dish, however, many go on without realizing how beneficial oregano is to your health! ...
  • Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, or ACV. ...
  • Honey. ...
  • Turmeric. ...
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE). ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Echinacea. ...
  • Cabbage.

What food kills mouth bacteria? ›

Top 5 Foods to Kill Dental Bacteria
  • Raw Onions. Onions contain sulfur compounds that are responsible for their taste and smell. ...
  • Green Tea. Green tea has become popular as a healthy drink and there is a lot of research to support the health benefits. ...
  • Basil. ...
  • Shiitake Mushrooms. ...
  • Wasabi. ...
  • No Substitute for Good Cleaning Habits.

What kills cavity bacteria? ›

One easy way is to chew some sugar-free gum, especially gum with xylitol. Xylitol helps encourage saliva production and kills cavity causing bacteria.

What are signs of bacteria in mouth? ›

For bacterial mouth infections, including periodontitis, look out for symptoms including:
  • Bad breath.
  • Bitter taste.
  • Persistent pain.
  • Sensitive or loose teeth.
  • Swollen and inflamed gums, neck glands or jaw.
  • Receding gums or new spaces between your teeth.
  • Headache.
  • Fever.

How do I know if my Jawbone is infected? ›

Jawbone infections/dental abscesses are caused when a dental cavity remains untreated.
Symptoms of a jaw bone infection or dental abscess include:
  1. Pain in the mouth or jaw.
  2. Redness or swelling.
  3. Drainage of pus from the area.

Can a tooth infection travel through your body? ›

Yes, a tooth infection can affect your whole body. In severe cases, a dental infection can spread to your face, sinuses, neck, jawbone, blood, and even your entire system. Infection vs. abscess — An infection of bacteria can lead to an abscess (AKA a pocket of pus).

Can a tooth infection spread to your head? ›

Odontogenic infections can spread to any organ of the body and in some cases cause life threatening infections. We report a case of multiple odontogenic brain abscesses resulting from undetected tooth decay.

What's the strongest antibiotic for tooth infection? ›

Amoxicillin is usually the first choice for tooth infection treatment. If your tooth infection is more serious, your dentist may prescribe a combination of amoxicillin and another drug called Clavulanate. This combination is stronger and more effective against tooth infections.

What is a natural antibiotic? ›

Option 1: Honey

Honey is one the oldest known antibiotics, tracing back to ancient times. Egyptians frequently used honey as a natural antibiotic and skin protectant. Honey contains hydrogen peroxide , which may account for some of its antibacterial properties.

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