10 Free Profit and Loss Templates for Financial Analysis | ClickUp (2024)

Being an accountant is all about loving numbers, but the numbers don’t always love you back.

From spending late nights balancing company accounts to staring endlessly at spreadsheets figuring out why those numbers on your profit and loss statement don’t quite match, the job can be a real predicament sometimes!

Luckily, profit and loss templates can help finance teams handle their tasks more effectively. These pre-formatted documents work like a stethoscope for evaluating the financial health of your business—listening to the heartbeat of your operations and summarizing the current or forecasted costs, revenues, and expenditures over an accounting period.

Stay with us to find out how to keep your business alive and thriving with 10 top-grade profit and loss templates dedicated to accounting superheroes! 🦸

10 Free Profit and Loss Templates to Simplify Your Business Accounting Processes

  • What Is a Profit and Loss Template?
  • What Makes a Good Profit and Loss Template?
  • 10 Free Profit and Loss Templates to Craft Solid Income Statements
    • 1. ClickUp General Ledger Template
    • 2. ClickUp Budget Report Template
    • 3. ClickUp Sales Tracker Template
    • 4. ClickUp Sales Monthly Report Template
    • 5. ClickUp Accounts Payable Template
    • 6. ClickUp Expenses Report Template
    • 7. ClickUp Financial Analysis Report Template
    • 8. Excel Profit and Loss Template by CorporateFinanceInstitute
    • 9. Excel Profit and Loss Statement Template by SpreadsheetPage
    • 10. Excel Profit and Loss Account Template by ExcelDataPro

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What Is a Profit and Loss Template?

A profit and loss (P&L) template comes with a pro forma income statement that simplifies creating financial projections and conducting year-over-year (YoY) growth analysis. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of the financial health of the business through items like:

  • Revenue or sales streams
  • Fixed expenses (like rent)
  • Recurring expenses (like utility bills)
  • Depreciation
  • Cost of goods sold (COGS)
  • Tax and bad debt reserves
  • Gross and net profits

A profit and loss statement or template simplifies reporting and analysis by providing a standardized format that ensures consistency in calculating and tracking financial data.

This allows stakeholders to quickly evaluate the company’s financial performance without creating complex spreadsheets from scratch, making it easier to stay ahead of the competition and maintain sustainable operations.

10 Free Profit and Loss Templates for Financial Analysis | ClickUp (3)

These templates cater to businesses of all sizes, from startups to large corporations. You can adjust the document for monthly, yearly, or quarterly business reports, allowing you to compare data, spot patterns in income and spending, and make informed decisions to grow your business. 🌱

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What Makes a Good Profit and Loss Template?

A quality profit and loss template can play a major role in decisions like green-lighting or halting investments and operations. Because of the high stakes, it should be:

  1. Comprehensive: It should cover relevant sources of income and types of expenses, providing a reliable picture of a business’s financial performance
  2. Visually cohesive: The profit and loss template should be well-structured and easy to navigate, with options to include graphs and charts to help spot trends and understand the data at a glance
  3. Customizable: Every business is unique, so the template should allow for customization to suit your specific operations
  4. User-friendly: Even those without a background in finance should be able to use and follow the template. Prompts or placeholders that make data entry straightforward are desirable
  5. Analytics-friendly: Beyond just recording numbers, a good template should help you calculate key performance indicators (KPIs) like gross profit margin or return on investment (ROI) on labor cost
  6. Shareable: The profit and loss template should be compatible with common spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets for ease of use and sharing

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10 Free Profit and Loss Templates to Craft Solid Income Statements

Our list of the top 10 FREE profit and loss templates in ClickUp and Excel will impress your bookkeepers and accounting teams! Let’s explore the use cases for each. 💸

1. ClickUp General Ledger Template

10 Free Profit and Loss Templates for Financial Analysis | ClickUp (8)

With the ClickUp General Ledger Template, you get a personal financial assistant keeping track of not only your profit and loss statements but your entire company accounts! 🤩

This intuitive and user-friendly template helps you maintain accurate financial records of your debit and credit items and cash flows so you always control where your money is coming from and going to.

The profit and loss template features tailored Custom Fields to record transaction attributes like Account Title, Account Type, Transaction Date, Receipt, Entry Number, Debit, Credit, DrCr, and Journal Entry Type. Once you’ve recorded the transactions, you can automatically use the four main views of the document to generate different financial statements.

If you want to generate a financial scoreboard, use the Profit & Loss Board view. It visualizes your revenues, expenses, and profits based on the recorded transactions, giving you real-time insights into how you’re doing. You can track and reclassify items on the report by simply dragging them across the board.

Similarly, the Balance Sheets Board view automatically displays all your assets, liabilities, and equity. This view fast-tracks the process of reconciling accounts and keeping your records consistent.

The General Ledger and Transaction List views are perfect for tracking everyday transactions grouped by account title or any other parameter, allowing you to edit or update specific fields swiftly.

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2. ClickUp Budget Report Template

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You need to compare budgeted and actual data to measure profits or losses. However, budget tracking and reporting across different accounting periods is often time-consuming. This is where the ClickUp Budget Report Template can be a game-changer. 🤑

One of the standout features of this template are its pre-made sections covering five key financial aspects:

  1. Profit and Loss: A dedicated section for detailing projected and actual revenues and margins
  2. Sales Breakdown: Presents a breakdown of your sales (actual and target) in separate regions
  3. Expenses: Helps categorize and compare operational expenses against budgeted values
  4. Balance Sheet: Showcases the Revenue vs. Expense variance
  5. Competitive Summary: Helps compare your revenue and market share numbers against leading competitor brands

This systematic structure helps you plan your business spending and set goals for future performance. The template comes with a default bar graph for displaying financials across time periods, but you can add custom charts as well.

You’ll find two essential sections for financial monitoring and analysis: the Current Month’s Performance section enables you to meticulously itemize income and expenses incurred by your company in the current month, offering a real-time snapshot of your financial performance. Meanwhile, the Yearly Performance section delves into your company’s performance over the entire year.

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3. ClickUp Sales Tracker Template

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Enhance the decision-making capabilities of your sales teams with the ClickUp Sales Tracker Template. Its array of features grants you the power to keep a close watch on your sales process and take steps to meet profit targets! 🥇

To begin your journey with this template, you’ll first need to define the products or services you’re offering for sale. Use Custom Fields to input a wide range of data, from shipping and unit costs to product type and return numbers. Set your Target Profit and Profit Margin to start tracking the profitability of sales made as you go.

Custom Statuses like Complete, Goal Met, Goal Unmet, Not Started, and Ongoing help you oversee your operations to optimize your sales pipeline.

Leverage the Sales Status per Product List view to organize and analyze your sales data by product type. The Sales Volume per Month view is essentially similar to the previous one, with the key difference being that it organizes your data by Month using a dropdown field.

For a more comprehensive overview, you can also explore the Sales Tracker Table view, which presents your overall sales numbers in a convenient tabular format. Use ClickUp Goals to set sales metrics like cost per sale, revenue, and customer lifetime value, and real-time Dashboards to track them.

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4. ClickUp Sales Monthly Report Template

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The ClickUp Sales Monthly Report Template provides a streamlined solution for conveying insights like sales quotas, expenses, and profit/loss, serving as a comprehensive record of the individual performance of each salesperson. It’s ideal for teams heavily reliant on cold calls and follow-ups as it:

  • Visualizes progress toward monthly sales goals
  • Pinpoints improvement areas and loss-making processes
  • Helps capitalize on profitable avenues faster

Let’s say you’re handling a sales team engaged in cold-calling potential clients about your hiring software—this template can be a valuable resource in many ways. You can use the Top Sales Performers section to highlight exceptional individuals who achieved a high monthly conversion rate.

This would not only foster a sense of recognition but also help your team analyze the best practices that contributed to the goal.

With the Conversion Rate per Week section, you can systematically track weekly performances. For instance, noting a 10% conversion rate in the first week and an 8% rate in the second would help you identify and fix what led to the drop.

The Conversion Rate Summary typically provides a brief, informative snapshot of sales progress over shorter periods, revealing positive or negative trends. You can add graphs and charts to visualize the insights for faster comprehension.

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5. ClickUp Accounts Payable Template

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Poorly managed accounts payable processes can easily turn into a spine-chilling Halloween nightmare, complete with missing paper trails and botched data entries. The ClickUp Accounts Payable Template provides an elegantly simple solution to manage invoice records and track payments with finesse, ensuring your compliance hygiene is no spook-show. 🎃

Add detail to your payables using Custom Fields for attributes like outstanding balance, invoice amount, initial payment due date, total balance due date, final payment, payment type, email, and payment terms.

But if you really want to use this profit and loss template like a pro, leverage its three unique views to get handy payment data for your profit and loss statements. For instance:

  1. Accounts Payable List view: Groups invoices by Status (Invoice Received, Routing, Verification, and Complete), providing a clear overview of each invoice’s progress
  2. Payment Type Table view: Categorizes invoices by Payment Type, simplifying the identification of different payment modes
  3. Payment Process Board view: Offers a detailed picture of all invoices, grouping them by Status and Priority, while the Kanban Board presents invoices in the popular card format

There’s more!

The Kanban Board’s interactive functionality allows clicking on individual cards to access information on each invoice, add notes, and attach files. Updating the payment status by simply dragging and dropping cards across the board streamlines the process of handling financial obligations and business expenses.

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6. ClickUp Expenses Report Template

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Overburdened account executives could use something straightforward yet incredibly effective to draft accurate expense sheets—like the ClickUp Expense Report Template. This template comes pre-equipped with standard formatting, banners, and styles, making the process of completing and sharing expense reports more user-friendly than ever. 🤓

The template’s intuitive interface supports versatile expense tracking, whether you’re recording departmental spending, operating expenses, or contractor invoices. You’ll find comprehensive sections for specifying overhead details, like the team member(s) involved, assigned budget, and expense heads, ensuring that all charges related to a particular team or project are thoroughly documented.

The Expense Breakdown section features a table where you can list expenditures, including the date, description, and subcategories like food and travel. For compliance demands, you can include photos of receipts and provide descriptions directly within the template. Upon completing the report, a final space is provided for reviewers to approve and sign the document.

This profit and loss template is often used by budget planning teams to craft reports on expense estimates, which in turn helps with profit projections.

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7. ClickUp Financial Analysis Report Template

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Track your income, expenditure, and profits and losses seamlessly with the ClickUp Financial Analysis Report Template. It sprinkles the magic of pre-built spreadsheets to simplify exhausting tasks like entering financial data and tracking changes effortlessly.

The template’s visual aids provide snapshots of cash flow analysis, liquidity ratios, balance sheets, and debt ratios, making everything more accessible, even to non-finance people. 💵

Launch the template and furnish essential company information, complete with your logo, business address, and contact details. Then, weave a narrative of financial insights using captivating graphs and charts under the umbrella of Investment Essentials.

With sections dedicated to Valuation and Risk Analysis, you can add data offering deep insights into the company’s financial standing. Finally, wrap up your financial analysis with a Detailed Results section, where you can offer insights, Tips for improvement, and a quick Recap of everything said.

With custom permissions settings, you’re in complete control of who gets to peek into your sensitive company data and whether they can edit it or simply observe from the sidelines.

This template can also be used for:

  • Comparing investment portfolios based on profitability
  • Finding gaps in company performance against industry standards
  • Identifying cost reduction avenues

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8. Excel Profit and Loss Template by CorporateFinanceInstitute

10 Free Profit and Loss Templates for Financial Analysis | ClickUp (15)

If you want to create a spreadsheet income statement, the Excel Profit and Loss Template by CorporateFinanceInstitute is the way to go. This document supports both monthly and annual statements.

After downloading this file, you start entering financial data into the designated overhead cells. The template covers typical expense and income heads—all you have to do is replace the info in the cells with blue-colored numbers with actual data. The number cells with back-colored font have hard-coded formulae, which you should recheck to ensure the final calculations make sense.

You have the freedom to create a regular full-year fiscal report or an interim year-to-date version. Once you’re done, save the file as an Excel or PDF document, and you’re all set.

9. Excel Profit and Loss Statement Template by SpreadsheetPage

10 Free Profit and Loss Templates for Financial Analysis | ClickUp (16)

The Excel Profit and Loss Statement Template by SpreadsheetPage serves as a convenient, pre-designed document for crafting company financial reports. This is a no-bells-and-whistles financial statement used to record data for a specific accounting cycle and comprehensively illustrate your company’s financial health by revealing its net income or loss.

It encompasses key profit and loss elements, such as:

  • Revenue
  • Cost of sales (through inventory status)
  • Operating expenses
  • Discounts and allowances
  • Tax expenses

While this template provides a solid foundation, you’ll need to input transaction summaries into the statement manually. It offers the flexibility of defining category names through account codes in the Chart of Accounts worksheet, which allows users to create tailored reports. 🧾

10. Excel Profit and Loss Account Template by ExcelDataPro

10 Free Profit and Loss Templates for Financial Analysis | ClickUp (17)

The color-blocked Excel Profit and Loss Account Template by ExcelDataPro is a ready-to-use resource in Excel, Google Sheets, and OpenOffice Calc, designed to help you prepare detailed income statements in a jiff.

This adaptable template can summarize your company’s financials for quarterly, annual, or monthly periods. Just input your financial data into the cells with predefined formulas, and you’ll find your company’s profit or loss figures.

The template is thoughtfully organized into three sections. Under Revenues, you can input income sources like Sales Revenue, Service Revenue, and Interest Revenue. In the Expenses section, list all your company’s costs, spanning advertising, COGS, utilities, employee expenses, and more. Use the Summary & Taxes section to provide a snapshot of Gross Profit Before Taxes and the Income Tax, culminating in the Net Income.

Before you use the template, make sure its format and formulae are compatible with the regulations in your country.

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Become a Finance Guru with Top Profit and Loss Templates

Profit and loss statements and templates aren’t just financial tools—they’re your business’s truth serum. Each update gives you a clearer view of how your decisions impact the bottom line. This heightened consciousness drives you to seek innovative solutions and streamline operations for optimal profitability.

If you’re looking for more finance and accounting templates, explore ClickUp’s Template Library. The platform also integrates with several accounting software solutions, enabling you to maintain comprehensive internal wikis to streamline financial information. 💖

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10 Free Profit and Loss Templates for Financial Analysis | ClickUp (2024)


How do I create a free profit and loss statement? ›

Here's a general step-by-step guide to creating a profit and loss statement:
  1. Choose a reporting period. ...
  2. Gather financial statements and information. ...
  3. Add up revenue. ...
  4. List your COGS. ...
  5. Record your expenses. ...
  6. Figure your EBITDA. ...
  7. Calculate interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization. ...
  8. Determine net income.
Apr 25, 2024

Is there a profit and loss template in Excel? ›

Yes, there is a profit and loss template in Excel that you can use to create your own statement. The template includes formulas to calculate revenue, expenses, and net income. You can enter your own data to get started.

How do you write a profit and loss analysis? ›

P&L analysis

It starts with a revenue entry, or top line, and deducts business expenses such as cost of goods sold, operating expenses, tax charges, and interest expenses. Net income, which is also known as profit or earnings, is the difference, or bottom line.

Does Word have a profit and loss template? ›

There are many statement templates in Word that will help you create the best statement for the organization you work for. You can either make spreadsheets or make a word document statement. Enter the values, subtract expenses from the revenue that you get. This way you can make the right statement you need to be made.

What does a P&L sheet look like? ›

A P&L statement shows a company's revenues and expenses related to running the business, such as rent, cost of goods sold, freight, and payroll. Each entry on a P&L statement provides insight into how much money a company made and spent.

How to build a P&L from scratch? ›

The following are easy steps in creating a comprehensive Profit and Loss Statement for your business:
  1. Track Operating Revenue. ...
  2. Record Cost of Sales. ...
  3. Calculate Gross Profit. ...
  4. Determine Overhead. ...
  5. Add Up Operating Income. ...
  6. Consider Other Income and Expenses. ...
  7. Finally Arrive at Your Net Profit.
Jan 25, 2023

Does QuickBooks have a profit and loss template? ›

Whether you're a freelancer or a small business owner, you can download a free profit and loss template from QuickBooks.

What is the best chart to show profit and loss in Excel? ›

A Stacked Column Chart is typically the best Excel chart to display profit and loss. It allows you to visualize revenue and expenses, showing the net profit or loss as the column's height.

How to read P&L for dummies? ›

The P&L statement is made up of three components: revenue, expenses, and net income. Revenue is the total amount of money that a company brings in from its sales. Expenses are the costs incurred by a company to generate revenue. Net income is the difference between revenue and expenses.

What is the profit and loss statement for financial analysis? ›

The profit and loss (P&L) statement is a financial statement that summarizes the revenues, costs, and expenses incurred during a specified period. The P&L statement is one of three financial statements that every public company issues quarterly and annually, along with the balance sheet and the cash flow statement.

What is the financial analysis of P&L? ›

The P&L report separates operating revenue from operating expenses and provides metrics like gross profit margin, net income, and earnings per share (EPS). Both public and private companies use this information to determine how well their sales, marketing, and operations strategies work.

How to get free Word templates? ›

You can download free, pre-built document templates with useful and creative themes from Office when you click File > New in your Office app. Templates can include calendars, business cards, letters, cards, brochures, newsletters, resumes, cover letters, presentations, social media and much more.

Where can I get a profit and loss statement? ›

The P&L statement can be found on a company's website and is one of the financial statements that public companies are required to issue by law to shareholders. 1. The P&Ls for different periods should be looked at in conjunction with the cash flow statement for a more accurate picture of a company's financial health.

How much does it cost for a profit and loss statement? ›

As an accounting professional, I usually start at $1000 and go up from there, however I have done them for less depending on the circ*mstances. If you are coming on as a client, am I doing your Income Tax as well, and most important how much time do I need to spend on it.

Can I do my own profit and loss statement? ›

If you use accounting software like QuickBooks, Peachtree or the like, the program will generate a P&L statement for you after you enter your sales and expense figures, but you can easily create your own using a basic spreadsheet and easy calculations, following the steps below.

Where do I get a profit and loss statement? ›

The P&L is found in the annual financial reports that all publicly traded companies are required by law to issue and distribute to shareholders. 1 Annual financial reports include a company's P&L statement, balance sheet, and a statement of cash flow. Financial statements are found on a company's website.

Who can make me a profit and loss statement? ›

You can ask your accountant to prepare a profit and loss statement for your company or you can build one yourself using the steps below.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.