10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (2024)

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (1)

This is part 3 of 5of the affiliate marketing series.

Part 1: What is Affiliate Marketing, And How Does it Work?Part 2: 18 Top Affiliate Marketing Programs to Join
Part 3: 10 Crucial Tips to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
Part 4: How to Multiply Your Affiliate Income Using The 80/20 Rule
Part 5: The Ultimate Guide: Step-by-step Affiliate Marketing For Dummies

Making money with affiliate marketing isn’t that difficult if you think about it.

When I first started, all I needed to do was sign up for a couple of top affiliate marketing programs, and paste my affiliate linkinto my blog posts.

Yeah, it’s that easy.

But if you want to go pro and actually make some serious affiliate marketing money, here are some crucial tips that you cannot miss out on.

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (2)

1. Stay legal

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (3)

This is important. Protect yourself! If your business is based in the USA, you’ll have to disclose that your link is an affiliate link – as close as possible to the link itself.

The affiliate disclosure cannot be at the bottom of your posts.

I have personally seen a lot of big-shot bloggers who don’t disclose their affiliate links whom I know are based in the USA, and it’s truly an accident waiting to happen.

If you’re based somewhere else, you may want to check on the respective law(s) in your home country.

2. Cloak your links

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (4)

Affiliate links are normally very messy. For me, I am an affiliate for a ton of products that I love, so it gets very confusing after awhile.

A pro tip that I have for you is to use the plugin Pretty Link Lite (it’s free) to cloak any affiliate links you have.

For instance, my Siteground affiliate link would be raelyntan.com/siteground (btw I LOVE SiteGround! If you’re not on SiteGround yet, you NEED to be. Your blog + biz life will improve SO much because you don’t have to panic everytime something screws up. You can start a blog/ transfer your website to SiteGroundhere) instead of siteground.com/3439utwgsg (the latter is a hypothetical link, but you get my point).

This helps in a couple of ways:

Firstly, it’s easier for you to give your affiliate link to others.

Secondly, people already trust your domain, and are more likely to click-through (as compared to clicking on a spammy looking affiliate link).

3. Don’t recommend anything you won’t use yourself

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (5)

This point, guys. This point is queen.

Genuine love and enthusiasm for a product cannot be faked over a long period of time.

As my business grows, I have to make more and more ethical decisions at the expense of profit, and this is one of them.

I don’t recommend anything I am not 100% for.

It becomes a “moral” issue, kinda, because sometimes,certain affiliate marketing programs will pay more but the products are not as stellar.

An example would be a particular product, Product X (that I recommend to you guys).(I’ve removed the exact product name because I don’t want to get into trouble). Did you know that if I recommend it’s competitor, Product Y, to you guys, I would earn2x the affiliate revenue that I would receive from Product X? Product Y has one of the best affiliate programs, and they even emailed me to offer better terms if I were to join their team to promote them.

But to this day, I still recommend Product X to you guys (despite its less than idealaffiliate team) because Product X is good.

This is huge because: $300 becomes $600. $1000 becomes $2000. $5000 becomes $10000.

You get the point. It’s huge.

I love Product X and so far, everyone I’ve recommended Product X to loves it, and Iwant the best for my readers. Maybe one day I would recommend Product Y… if Product Y pulls their socks up. But not today.

4. Weave your linksnaturally in a tutorial on your blog

I strongly believe that all bloggers should master the art of recommending products in a way that is helpful and non-spammy.

Weave your links as naturally as possible!

Context, guys. Context.

If you’re going to be recommending something, make sure that it makes sense in the context of your post.

Click this link!

You wouldn’t, right? If you want to make money with affiliate marketing, the affiliate links you add mustmake sense. A great way to do that is via a tutorial.

Here are some examples of how I weave affiliate links naturally in my blog while proving massive #value to my audience:

  • How to Start a Blog
  • Why I Switched To Using Convertkit As My Email Service Provider

5. Add affiliate links to your most popular posts

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (6)

For some of you, you would have really popular posts on your website.

If it’s appropriate, add affiliate links to your most popular posts.

If it’s not appropriate to do so in the context of that post, try to link to your top-converting blog posts that have affiliate links.(aka those tutorial posts I talked about in the previous point).

It doesn’t have to be complex.

If could be as simple as a sentence like, “Do you want to learn how to make green smoothies? Check out the top 10 juicers I recommend in this post!”

6. Resource page

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (7)

A resource page is a page where you list out all the products you recommend. If you’re a health blogger, it could be a page full of health products that you love – people would appreciate such a great resource.

At your navigational menu, add a link to your resource page.

If you’re looking for mine, it’s here 😛

7. Target audience alignment

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (8)

If you have readers but can’t seem to make any money with affiliate marketing, listen up!

This one is for you.

Chances are, you’re recommending thewrong products. The affiliate product that you recommend isn’t what your target audience would need.

For instance, if you’re a food blogger, your main source of income will not be from promoting blog hosting, right? It would be from recommending a food guide. Or certain cooking/ baking equipment.

This is because your target audience, foodies, may not necessarily like blogging. It would be like trying to fit a round screw into a square peg.

Often we seesomeone else having successful with a particular product and feel obligated to promote the same thing too. No! Keep your audience in mind first.

Take note!

8. Experiment with differentstyles

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (9)

Affiliate links come in many different styles. You may want to play around with them.

I’m talking about: Banners… Product images… Just a simple link… A coupon code… etc.

You may want to play around to recommending your products in different formats.

For instance, if the affiliate product that you are recommending is highly visual (eg. a certain kind of equipment), you may want to display a picture of it and then get people to click on that.

9. Newsletter

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (10)

Include your affiliate links into your email campaigns.

Where appropriate, add your affiliate links to your newsletter or your automated follow-up sequence.

Very occasionally, I also send out newsletters with affiliate products that I really love. You could weave your affiliate links with my favoritenewsletter content ideas, such as weaving them into an email challenge you are holding.

You’ve worked so hard to build that email listand get those subscribers, so don’t let it go to waste! You are also giving your subscribers value by directing them to great resources, so it’s a win-win solution.

Interested in growing your list? I have a free traffic + list building webinar you should check out today: The 3 Key “Ice To Fire” List Building Blueprints That Helped Me To Go From 5 To 40,527 Subscribers (& 10,582 Customers!)

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (11)

10. Lead magnet

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (12)

Adding your affiliate links to your freebie or lead magnet has been a proven tactic for ages.

You can bet that a majority of your audience would be consuming your lead magnet. If it’s relevant, add in your best affiliate links inside.

Talk about affiliate income that grows on autopilot as your subscriber numbers increase!


Here’s a summary of the 10 tips you can use to make money with affiliate marketing.

  • Stay legal, add your affiliate disclosures
  • Cloak your links
  • Don’t recommend anythingthat you don’t love with all your heart
  • Weave your links naturally in a tutorial
  • Add affiliate links to your most popular posts
  • Resource page
  • Make sure your target audience actually needs them
  • Experiment with different layouts
  • Add them to your email newsletters
  • Add them to your lead magnets

If you enjoyed this post, I’ve recently recorded a Youtube video sharing a VERY important AFFILIATE MARKETING EQUATION. Check it out below!

This is part 3 of 5of the affiliate marketing series.

Part 1: What is Affiliate Marketing, And How Does it Work?Part 2: 18 Top Affiliate Marketing Programs to Join
Part 3: 10 Crucial Tips to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
Part 4: How to Multiply Your Affiliate Income Using The 80/20 Rule
Part 5: The Ultimate Guide: Step-by-step Affiliate Marketing For Dummies

Continue to part 4 of this 5-part series: How to Multiply Your Affiliate Income Using The 80/20 Rule

Another pin design:

10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (13)

A tiny request: If you liked this post, please share this?

I know most people don’t share because they feel that us bloggers don’t need their “tiny” social share. But here’s the truth…

I built this blog piece by piece, one small share at a time, and will continue to do so. So thank you so much for your support, my reader.

A share from you would seriously help a lot with the growth of this blog.

Some great suggestions:
Pin it!(I even made a pretty pin for ya!)
Share it to your favorite blog + biz Facebook group
Tweet it!

It won’t take more than 10 seconds of your time. The share buttons are right here. 🙂


Thank you so much!

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10 Crucial Tips To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing (2024)


What is the easiest way to make money with affiliate marketing? ›

How to Make Money with Affiliate Marketing
  1. Create High-Quality Content. Your content should be relevant, engaging, and useful. ...
  2. Promote Relevant Products. ...
  3. Optimize for Conversions. ...
  4. Understand Your Target Audience. ...
  5. Leverage SEO for Success. ...
  6. Diversify Your Marketing Channels.
Apr 24, 2024

What are the highest paying affiliate programs? ›

With these factors in mind, let's explore the best high-paying affiliate programs to consider in 2024:
  1. Augusta Precious Metals (Gold IRA Investment) ...
  2. Bluehost (Web Hosting) ...
  3. Semrush (Marketing Tool) ...
  4. Shopify (E-commerce Platform) ...
  5. Teachable (Online Course Platform) ...
  6. ConvertKit (Email Marketing Tool)
Mar 22, 2024

How do affiliate marketers make so much money? ›

Affiliate marketers provide an advertising service by including referral links in their content. If a sale is made through their unique referral link, the affiliate earns a commission.

Can you make $100 a day with affiliate marketing? ›

The core of my strategy emphasizes building a genuine online business, focusing on evergreen topics, and tapping into passive income sources for scalability. This is how I made $100 per day with affiliate marketing, and then kept scaling it up.

Can you make $10,000 a month with affiliate marketing? ›

Affiliate marketing is a hard way to make money, but if you want to make $10,000 per month, you need a clear plan, hard work, and the will to keep learning. Success changes from person to person, but based on my work with affiliate marketers, here are the most important steps to get you going in the right direction: 1.

What is the monthly income for a beginner affiliate marketer? ›

Average Income of Affiliate Marketers

While some affiliates may earn less, others can achieve a six-figure income with hard work and dedication. It typically takes several months to two years of consistent effort to see tangible results, but even beginner affiliates can expect to earn up to $1,000 per month.

How do I teach myself affiliate marketing? ›

Here's how to get started with affiliate marketing:
  1. Choose a niche. Think about what you're good at and link doing.
  2. Decide on a content platform. ...
  3. Find affiliate programs to join. ...
  4. Create great content. ...
  5. Drive traffic to your affiliate links. ...
  6. Get clicks on your affiliate links.
May 25, 2023

How much can a beginner affiliate make? ›

According to him, affiliate income categories can be classified into four: Beginner – $0 to $1,000 per month. Intermediate – $1,000 to $10,000 monthly. Advanced – $10,000 to $100,000 per month.

How much does Amazon affiliate pay? ›

How much does the Amazon Affiliate program pay? You can earn, on average, from $100 to $20,000 from the Amazon Affiliate program, depending on how many referrals you generate for Amazon. The Amazon Affiliate program operates on a commission basis, meaning you'll make a percentage per sale.

What affiliate niches pay most? ›

The most profitable niche for your affiliate marketing business can vary based on current market trends, audience demand, and competition. Historically, niches like technology, finance, health and wellness, and lifestyle products have been very profitable due to their high consumer demand and broad appeal.

What is more profitable than affiliate marketing? ›

Business Control – Dropshipping and eCommerce offer more control over your business and earnings than affiliate marketing, as you set the profit margins for your products. Affiliate programs have fixed commissions, giving you less control and requiring you to rely on someone else's product and business.

What is realistic earnings for affiliate marketing? ›

The reality is that 80% of affiliates earn between $0 and maybe $80,000 per year. And there's nothing wrong with $80k a year – that's a bloody nice income. 15% of other affiliates earn somewhere between $80,001 and maybe $1 million per year.

Can you realistically make money from affiliate marketing? ›

Is affiliate marketing legit? Despite a controversial reputation among those not really in the know, affiliate marketing is a totally legit way to earn an income. At the end of the day, the majority of the world's population is internet-connected, and online sales in all categories are constantly increasing.

How much do beginner affiliate marketers make? ›

According to him, affiliate income categories can be classified into four: Beginner – $0 to $1,000 per month. Intermediate – $1,000 to $10,000 monthly. Advanced – $10,000 to $100,000 per month.

Is affiliate marketing hard for beginners? ›

Becoming a Successful Affiliate Marketer

Establishing success in affiliate marketing is no walk in the park. Certain challenges can be too much to handle, especially for beginners. However, once you're able to overcome these difficulties, all that's left to do is to be ready to reap the benefits.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Views: 5793

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.