10 Biblical Basics for Financial Freedom, Abundance and Peace – Part 2 (2024)

10 Biblical Basics for Financial Freedom, Abundance and Peace – Part 2 (1)

Towards the latter part of 2015, I publishedpart 1 of this post of 10 Biblical Basics for Financial Freedom, Abundance and Peace. Yes, I am agreeing with you that part 2 is long overdue.

So without further ado, let’s recap the main points for financial freedom, abundance and peace that you can expect to receive once you abide by these principles.

  1. Set your priorities in order as it’s important to your spiritual life – see that your spiritual house [spiritual life] is in order first, get to know God and have a personal relationship with Him before focusing on finances. Don’t put your trust in earthly wealth.
  2. Love God more than you love money– never allow money to become your god to worship it instead of giving worship to the true living God
  3. God is the source of everything and all that you have is His – never get caught up with the novelties and the get-rich-quick schemes in life. Trust God as the source of everything to provide for you all that you need.
  4. Exercise self-control and live within boundary – the principle thing is to set a budget, do not spend all or more than you earn and save a little for the future.
  5. More blessed to give than to receive – don’t give grudgingly or sparingly. Give out of the abundance of your heart and whatever measure you use to give, it will be given back to you .

“Adhering to biblical principles for financial freedom does not mean that you have to live a substandard or mediocre lifestyle. It simple means accepting God’s provisions to live the standard of life that He has established for you.” – [Yvonne I. Wilson]

Biblical Principles for Financial Freedom cont’d

Principle 6: Exercising contentment with what you have works to your advantage

Hebrews 13:5 AMP says, “Let your character [your moral essence, your inner nature] be free from the love of money [shun greed, be financially ethical], being content with what you have; for He has said, “I will never [under any circ*mstances] desert you [nor give you up nor leave you without support, nor will I in any degree leave you helpless], nor will I forsake you or let you down or relax my hold on you [assuredly not]”

Here is the confidence we have that whatsoever financial state we find ourselves in, God will never leave us nor abandon us. Instead He promise to make a way for us and will continue to provide for us and see that all our needs are met.

It will work to our advantage that we not be envious of the prosperity of anyone else. The thing is, we do not know what they had to do to get all their wealth and earthly possessions.

“Do not covet your neighbor’s house…or anything else your neighbor owns.” [Exodus 20:17] But remember, while the evil man may accumulate wealth, it is being stored up for the righteous. [Proverbs 13:22] In due season, God will favor you and cause the sinner’s wealth to come into your hands.

10 Biblical Basics for Financial Freedom, Abundance and Peace – Part 2 (2)

Principle 7: Avoid the get rich quick schemes and gambling

“Wealth from gambling quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows.” [Proverbs 13:11 TLB]

Recently in the USA, January 2016 powerball mania reached a fever pitch high with the largest ever jackpot in he history of the United States. As the number increased each day, many purchased tickets with their heart and their hope set on winning.

In the end at the time of the draw on January 13th 2016, it was announced that three (3) winning tickets were sold in California, Florida and Tennessee.

Suddenly, there were three overnight millionaires to split among themselves a whopping $1, 586, 400,000. That figure is said to have blown the previous record of $656 million out of the water.

My question is though, how many millionaires who came about by money through the lottery are still millionaires today?

In an article on Time.com Don McNay, 56, a Financial Consultant to lottery winners and the author of Life Lessons from the Lotterysaid, “So many of them wind up unhappy or wind up broke. People have had terrible things happen…. It’s the curse of the lottery because it made their lives worse instead of improving them.”

Also in the Time report, the National Endowment for Financial Education, was cited for reporting that “about 70% of people who suddenly receive a windfall of cash will lose it within a few years.”

The Bible says, the man who wants to get rich quickly will fail. [Proverbs 28:20] An inheritance hastily gained [by greedy, unjust means] at the beginning, will not be blessed in the end [Proverbs 20:21] and whoever tries to get rich hastily will end up in poverty. [Proverbs 28:22]

It is far better to plod steadily, work hard, and gather your riches gradually by honest labor so that in the end your riches increase.

10 Biblical Basics for Financial Freedom, Abundance and Peace – Part 2 (3)

Principle 8: Deaccumulate and live a life of simplicity

It amazes me to this day how much we can store up around our house – in cupboards, attics, basem*nt and even underneath our beds. The more things that we store up [for later], the more space that we would need.

Some of the things that we have stored up unto ourselves, trust me they are things that we would never use again. But think about how much cash we have tied up in just those things alone. It is a lot!

Think about the cost of every square inch/foot that is being used to store things – what value is that adding?

Eventually, the things we have stored up loose much of their monetary value and essentially, we defeat the purpose of storing them in the first place.

“Do not store up for yourselves [material] treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in and steal.” [Matthew 6:19-20]

Today my life is so different. It is much simpler than it has ever been. That’s because in October 2015, I made a decision to downsize and to give up a 2-bedroom, 1 bath, large size apartment that I had lived in since December 2002.

Before I moved into my new place – a studio apartment, of course I had to do the packing. I was in shock as to how much ‘junk’ I had stored up over the many years. I decided the things were of no value to me, they were useless and that I was not moving with them. That cost me as I dumped boxes upon boxes and bags full of garbage.I had stored up ‘treasures’ that accumulated moth, rust and yes, some dust.

Not anymore though. My new space do not have room for that and thankfully, I have been delivered from hoarding things and from accumulating stuff that was costly in the end.

Always remember that real life, real living and happiness are not related to how rich we are or how much material things we have accumulated.

Principle 9:Agree in prayer about your finances, never argue about it

There was a time that marital infidelity was the number one reason for couples to fight [argue], break up and even end up in divorce but things have changed and we are now seeing that the mismanagement of finances is among the top reasons couples are now breaking up and divorcing themselves from each other.

It did not come as a surprise then to find in an article written by Lisa L. Payne on Your Tango that marital infidelity did not make it on the list of the top 10 reasons marriages end in divorce. According to her, “It is not usually the lack of finances that causes the divorce, but the lack of compatibility in the financial arena.”

Other experts believe that couples generally handle finances differently in that while some are willing to have conversations about it, others hide it and they both share different value attitudes towards money.

The bible says, “Better is a little with the [reverent, worshipful] fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it. Better is a dinner of vegetables and herbs where love is present than a fattened ox served with hatred.” [Proverbs 15:16-17 AMP]

It is just plain out foolish for anyone to spend time arguing and fighting about money. Instead, take the situation to God in prayer and ask Him to give guidance, direction, strategies and solutions about your finances. Agree in prayer concerning every promise that He has made about the wealth of His people.

“Everyone who calls on the name of the name of the Lord will be saved.” [Romans 10:13] Also, “…you shall remember [with profound respect] the Lord your God, for it is he giving you power to make wealth…” [Deuteronomy 8:18 AMP]

10 Biblical Basics for Financial Freedom, Abundance and Peace – Part 2 (4)

Principle 10: Never give in to fear or hard times but have faith in God to provide

Whatever season of your life that you find yourself in right now, do not give in to fear [of more loss] or the hard times but instead, have faith in God and trust Him to provide each day. God is not slack concerning His promises to us.

“The Lord cares [for the godly] even when times are hard; even in famine, they will have enough.” [Psalm 37:18-19]

Be encouraged by His word that He cares even when times are hard or there is famine. Even then the promise of the Lord is that you will have abundance and most of all, you will have peace of mind.

The eyes of the Lord are fixed on those who fear Him and those who put their hope and confidence in God’s unfailing love, can be assured that He will deliver their soul from death and keep them alive in famine. ref.[Psalm 33:18-19]

So much more can be said about this but the important things to remember and to take away with you are – victory comes by surrendering yourself to experiencing God’s creative care and His unconditional love, His promise to provide and supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus and that He will keep you in perfect peace so long as you keep your mind stayed upon Him.

Your turn..let’s talk it over

  • Have you been following any of the principles that was shared in part 1?
  • If yes, have you seen any improvement in your finances as a result of following the strategies shared?
  • If no, what kept you from implementing them?
  • What about today’s post, was it helpful to you?
  • Do you believe these principles can be adopted into your personal life?

We would love to hear from you in the comment box below oryou may write to empowermentmoments@gmail (dot) com and let us know your thoughts.

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10 Biblical Basics for Financial Freedom, Abundance and Peace – Part 2 (2024)


10 Biblical Basics for Financial Freedom, Abundance and Peace – Part 2? ›

These are the ten biblical financial principles: God is the source; give first; live on a margin; save money; keep out of debt; be content with what you have; keep records; don't cosign; work hard and seek godly counsel.

What are the principles of God's financial prosperity? ›

10 Biblical Principles on Money and Financial Prosperity
  • Contrary to popular opinion, Christianity or the bible is not a cover for lazy people. ...
  • 1) Work. ...
  • 2) Acquire Knowledge. ...
  • 3) Be Skilled and Diligent. ...
  • 4) Take Action. ...
  • 5) Save. ...
  • 6) Invest. ...
  • 7) Avoid Debt (Borrowing)
Mar 18, 2018

What does the Bible say about financial abundance? ›

The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, without painful toil for it.” – Proverbs 10:22 (NIV) God's blessing can lead to wealth and prosperity in a way that does not require excessive labour. This verse suggests that God's favour can bring you financial success without the burden of strenuous effort.

What are the keys to God's system of wealth? ›

There are four key principles to Biblical financial blessing: believing, giving, stewardship, and work. To have lasting wealth, all of these need to be observed. The first principle is that of what we believe. The scriptures clearly state God's desire for His people in the physical and financial blessing realm.

What is the most powerful prayer for financial breakthrough? ›

Prayer for financial breakthrough:

"Dear God, I pray for a breakthrough in my financial situation. Please open doors and create opportunities for me to increase my income and achieve financial freedom."

What is the biblical way to financial freedom? ›

  1. Ten Principles to Realize True Financial Freedom.
  2. 1) Understand that God Cares about your Finances ~ 2 Chronicles 29:11-12.
  3. 2) Have a Biblical Eternal View when it comes to your Money & Possessions ~
  4. Mark 8:36.
  5. 3) Have a Balanced Spending Plan ~ Luke 16:11.
  6. 4) Eliminate Harmful Debt ~ Romans 13:8.

How to be financially stable according to the Bible? ›

Five Biblical Principles of Money Management
  1. Spend less than you earn. ...
  2. Be wise with debt. ...
  3. Plan for financial margin, because the unexpected will occur. ...
  4. Set long-term goals, because there's always a trade-off between the short-term and the long-term. ...
  5. Give generously, because giving breaks the power of money.
Jun 7, 2022

What are the 4 pillars of wealth creation? ›

The journey to prosperity encompasses four essential pillars: Acquire, Protect, Growth, and Pass it Along. Acquiring wealth is the first crucial step. It involves setting financial goals, diligently saving, and making informed investment decisions.

How to be blessed by God financially? ›

Bring the whole tithe on your income, the whole 10%, and give to God through the church and see what kind of blessings God brings into your life over the course of 6 months. Tithing is not the only financial principle that God's Word teaches. By not following God's Word, many people have gotten deeply in debt.

How to be wealthy according to the Bible? ›

God's blessing of wealth is usually obtained by great wisdom and responsibility and through discipline, hard work, saving, investing, and seeking God's will. Occasional, Biblical wealth is obtained suddenly by a great blessing such as an inheritance, oil and gas discovery or great invention.

What scripture to read when struggling financially? ›

Turning to Bible verses for financial struggles can be incredibly helpful. Verses such as Philippians 4:19, which states, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus,” are a reminder that God is a faithful provider.

How to use Psalm 23 to make money? ›

So, as you repeat Psalm 23 three times with faith and intention, believe in the transformative power of your prayers. Trust that God's guidance and provision extend to your financial life, and you may find yourself unshackling your financial worries and opening the door to greater abundance.

How to pray for financial freedom? ›

Prayer: God, you have called me to be a lender and not a borrower. And Your Word says that I have no outstanding debt but the continual debt of love (Romans 13:8, NIV). Lord, I want to honor You by becoming debt-free. Teach me the way, in Jesus' name, Amen.

What are the financial promises of God? ›

Promises of Provision

One of the most comforting promises we find in the Bible is Philippians 4:19: "And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." This verse assures us that God is not only aware of our financial needs but also capable of meeting them abundantly.

What is the biblical basis for prosperity? ›

Prosperity theology views the Bible as a contract between God and humans: if humans have faith in God, God will deliver security and prosperity. The doctrine emphasizes the importance of personal empowerment, proposing that it is God's will for people to be blessed.

What Scriptures are on financial prosperity breakthrough? ›

Proverbs 10:22 – “The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” 29.) Deuteronomy 8:18 – “But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.”

What are God's promises for prosperity? ›

Psalm 112:1-9

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed. Wealth and riches will be in his house, and his righteousness endures forever.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.