10 beautiful biennials to grow (2024)


They're easy and cheap to grow from seed, and many are native to the British Isles. In general, biennials are sown in late spring or early summer, so they have a generous amount of time to bulk up before flowering the following year. Sow them each year to ensure you have a regular supply to plant out in the garden, or in containers. Make sure you have an area set aside to overwinter half-hardy or tender biennials, like nicotianas.

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Check out some of the best biennials to sow and grow, below.

In general, biennials are sown in late spring or early summer, so they have a generous amount of time to bulk up before flowering the following year.

Angelica sylvestris

10 beautiful biennials to grow (1)

In its first year Angelica sylvestris produces rosettes of large leaves that look great in borders as a foil for other plants. In their second year bunched flower buds appear on deep purple stems that expand into umbrella-shaped inflorescences, attracting masses of pollinators. Grow Angelica sylvestris in full sun or partial shade, in moist, well-drained soil. Angelica gigas and Angelica archangelica are lovely alternatives.

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Height x spread: 100cm x 50cm.

Papaver nudicaule

10 beautiful biennials to grow (2)

Arctic poppies are some of the toughest flowers you can grow, despite their diminutive appearance. Though they're actually short-lived perennials, you can grow them as biennials by direct sowing them from May to July to flower the following year. Grow them in full sun in well-drained soil and deadhead them to prolong flowering.

H x S: 30cm x 30cm.


10 beautiful biennials to grow (3)

There are lots of beautiful foxglove varieties you can grow from seed, and they'll often self-seed, so all you need to do is transplant the seedlings to where you want them. Most foxglove species are biennial, including our native Digitalis purpurea. Discover some of the best foxgloves to grow.

Dianthus barbatus

10 beautiful biennials to grow (4)

Commonly known as sweet William, Dianthus barbatus is a cottage garden favourite that has been bred countless times to produce numerous cultivars with varying flower colours and patterns. Sow the seeds in April or May, then plant out in autumn for flowers the following year. Usually a short-lived perennial or biennial. Choose a spot in beds, borders or containers that will provide them with full sun and grow them in a gritty, well-drained soil.

H x S: 50cm x 50cm.


10 beautiful biennials to grow (5)

Aquilegias are short-lived perennials, but they can be grown as biennials by sowing them in mid- to late summer for flowers the following spring. The best spot to grow them is in a dappled or partially shaded spot, in moist, well-drained soil. They make fabulous cut flowers, too, and this action of cutting off the flowers will help to promote further flowers.

Hesperis matrionalis

10 beautiful biennials to grow (6)

This fabulously scented biennial thrives in sunny and shady spots. It can be sown from early spring to mid-summer to flower next summer, and will self-seed, too, so is a good option for a low-maintenance garden – just pull up any unwanted seedlings when young. Grow Hesperis matrionalis in moist, well-drained soil and don't forget to cut a few flowering stems for vases or small posies.

H x S: 100cm x 45cm.


10 beautiful biennials to grow (7)

Teasels, like Dipsacus fullonum and Dipsacus pilosus, are excellent plants for wildlife gardens, providing flowers for pollinators, followed by seeds that are loved by garden birds like goldfinches. Grow these true biennials in full sun or partial shade, in moist, well-drained soil. Teasels will self-seed, too.

H x S: 180cm x 80cm.

Nicotiana sylvestris

10 beautiful biennials to grow (8)

Though a short-lived perennial, Nicotiana sylvestris can be grown as a half-hardy annual, or overwintered and treated as a biennial. The fragrant, elegant flowers close up during the day and open again at dusk to scent the evening air, so they're perfectly suited to night gardens with plants like sweet Williams and night-scented stocks. Plant them in moist, well-drained soil with a bit of shade to protect them from the hottest summer sun.

H x S: 150cm x 60cm.


10 beautiful biennials to grow (9)

Hollyhocks are typically perennials, however, they often fall victim to fungal rust attacks, which disfigures the leaves and spoils the appearance of the plant. Treating them as biennials often allows you to get the best from them in their first year of flowering, before the disease really hits. You can also grow resistant varieties, and with their striking, pollinator-friendly flowers, they're worth the effort. Grow in full sun in moist, well-drained soil.

H x S: 180cm x 25cm.


10 beautiful biennials to grow (10)

Honesty, Lunaria annua, can be grown as an annual or biennial, though it'll give its best flowering performance if grown as a biennial. It makes a lovely addition to a shady wildflower garden, where the flowers will lure in bees and butterflies. After they've finished flowering, translucent, disc-shaped seedpods are produced that look lovely in floral arrangements. Leave some seedpods, though, to allow it to self-seed.


H x S: 90cm x 30cm.

True biennials and short-lived perennials

Some of the biennials you come across, for example on the websites of seed companies, aren't actually true biennials, but short-lived perennials. Such perennials are often better suited to growing and treating as biennials, because their best performance is in their first year of flowering, after which the flowering performance diminishes.

10 beautiful biennials to grow (11)
10 beautiful biennials to grow (2024)


What are 10 examples of biennial plants? ›

Examples of biennial plants are members of the onion family including leek, some members of the cabbage family, common mullein, parsley, fennel, Lunaria, silverbeet, black-eyed Susan, sweet William, colic weed, carrot, and some hollyhocks.

Which vegetables are biennials? ›

Among vegetables, popular biennials include beets, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chard, collards, kale, kohlrabi, leek, onion, parsley, parsnip, rutabaga, salsify and turnip.

What are some interesting facts about biennial plants? ›

biennial, any herbaceous flowering plant that completes its life cycle in two growing seasons. During the first growing season, biennials produce roots, stems, and leaves. During the second growing season, they produce flowers, fruits, and seeds, and then they die.

How do biennials grow? ›

A biennial requires all or part of two years to complete its life cycle. During the first season, it produces vegetative structures (leaves) and food storage organs. The plant overwinters and then produces flowers, fruit and seeds during its second season.

What are 3 biennial flowers? ›

Biennials are a unique group of plants that produce only leaves the first year; in the second year, they flower, set seed, and die. This group includes foxglove, sweet rocket, sweet William, and other beloved cottage garden favorites.

What takes 2 years to grow? ›

Biennials - Plants which require two years to complete their life cycle. First season growth results in a small rosette of leaves near the soil surface. During the second season's growth stem elongation, flowering and seed formation occur followed by the entire plant's death.

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